ADL Not Happy with Trump’s “America First” Foreign Policy

The Anti-Defamation League released a press release yesterday urging “presidential candidate Donald Trump to reconsider his use of the phrase ‘America First’ as a slogan describing his approach to foreign affairs, citing its anti-Semitic use in the months before Pearl Harbor by a group of prominent Americans seeking to keep the nation out of World War II.”

.@realDonaldTrump: Reconsider your use of the phrase “America First” as a slogan.
Our full statement:
— ADL (@ADL_National) April 28, 2016

The press release continues:

The most noteworthy leader of the “America First Committee” was Charles Lindbergh, who sympathized with the Nazis and whose rhetoric was characterized by anti-Semitism and offensive stereotypes, including assertions that Jews posed a threat to the U.S. because of their influence in motion pictures, radio, the press, and the government.
“The undercurrents of anti-Semitism and bigotry that characterized the America First movement – including the assumption that Jews who opposed the movement had their own agenda and were not acting in America’s best interest – is fortunately not a major concern today,” said Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO. “However, for many Americans, the term ‘America First’ will always be associated with and tainted by this history. In a political season that already has prompted a national conversation about civility and tolerance, choosing a call to action historically associated with incivility and intolerance seems ill-advised.”
In a letter to Mr. Trump, ADL urged him to refrain from using the slogan in the future.

The organized Jewish community literally operates as if the entire world revolves around their feelings. Sadly, in many cases, the world does revolve around their feelings, given their influence and control in the mass media, educational establishment, and political system.
They are hyper-aware of any expression of “anti-Semitism,” i.e., stating basic facts about Jewish power and influence, and the America First Committee was certainly considered “anti-Semitic” by the organized Jewish community precisely because they saw WWII as unnecessary and contrary to American interests. WWII was fought to advance Jewish interests, not American interests, and the America First Committee recognized this.
Incredibly, I’d be willing to bet the vast majority of Americans have never even heard of the America First Committee. Let’s hope at least some of them look into the America First Committee after hearing the ADL whine and complain about it.
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