Adam Miller interview, Perception is Reality documentary video, TRR#82

Adam Miller is the creator the new documentary video Perception is Reality. In this interview Adam gets to talk a bit more about some of the many subjects brought up in the video. Be sure to watch the documentary before listening to this interview. It will be posted in the show notes for this podcast at
Topics include: Perception is Reality, illusion, misdirection, Moon Landing, 9/11, audio, public domain music, Pseudo Reality, Youtube, copyright, fair use, Google, NSA, DARPA, ARPANET, Terrence McKenna, logical fallacies, solipsism, psychopathy, power structures, R-complex, MKULTRA, eugenics, Nazi Germany, Josef Mengele, CIA, Operation Paperclip, Angel of Death, Bible references, Tree of Life, Stanley Kubrick, 2001: A Space Odyssey, promo film, Aldous Huxley, Jay Weidner, front screen projection, divided population, Richard Hoagland, Joe Rogan, psychedelic bard, Time Wave Zero, The Alchemical Dream, pseudo history, secret society, FBI, public relations, magicians, Hippy movement, LSD, Chaos Theory, Reagan, private prison system, Columbine, art, Dada, Dali, Boston Dynamics, Over There song, bubble of unreality, Edward Snowden, Omidyar, Greenwald, deep state, localized food production
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