95-year-old Former Auschwitz Medic To Stand Trial For 3,000+ Murders

A ninety-five-year-old former medic at the Auschwitz labor and detention camp, whose inmates were generally well cared for and provided much needed labor at the various industrial facilities in the area during WWII, is set to stand trial in Germany next month “on at least 3,681 counts of accessory to murder, German authorities said Monday.” The Times of Israel reports:

Hubert Zafke was a medical orderly at the camp from August 15, 1944 to September 14, 1944. During this time, 14 trains carrying prisoners — including the teenage diarist Anne Frank — arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau where many would eventually be killed in the gas chambers.
Ahead of proceedings due to begin February 29, prosecutors said Zafke was “aware of the purpose of the Birkenau camp as an extermination camp” as well as of its structure.
“Given his awareness, the accused lent support to the organisation of the camp and was thereby both involved in and advanced the extermination,” said prosecutors in an earlier statement as they charged Zafke for complicity in the “cruel and insidious killings of at least 3,681” people.
The trial in the northeastern town of Neubrandenburg comes after an appeals court overturned an earlier ruling that the elderly accused was unfit to stand trial.
Nevertheless the court acknowledged that he had “cognitive impairments and low physical capacity” and ordered regular breaks during the hearings, as well as medical care.
German media had reported that Zafke was suffering from dementia.
The trial is due to run through March, although the sessions would be determined by Zafke’s health condition. […]

As many readers are aware, this is not the first time an elderly German man or woman has been harassed, persecuted, and charged with crimes relating to the entirely false historical narrative surrounding WWII, especially as it relates to the fake Jewish “Holocaust” myth.
Last summer, Ursula Haverbeck, an 86-year-old German woman who was ethnically cleansed from her home following WWII, was arrested by German authorities for publicly questioning the official Jewish “Holocaust” narrative on a German television program. I have also written about the farcical prosecution of Oskar Groening, the so-called “Accountant of Auschwitz,” who actually worked with the German government and admitted he was “complicit” in the fake “Holocaust”. As I wrote at the time:

Every month or so, a European government, usually Germany and almost always at the behest of international Jewry, arrests an old man for allegedly being “complicit in the Holocaust.”
This has been going on for decades now, with the outrageous prosecution and vilification of John Demjanjuk perhaps being the most notorious example in recent years. These ridiculous witch hunts provide ample fodder for the Jewish owned and controlled mass media to further perpetuate and reinforce the entirely fraudulent Jewish “Holocaust” narrative of WWII, in addition to demonizing and slandering National Socialist Germany and Adolf Hitler as absolute monsters, representing the epitome of evil.
For the past few days, the mainstream mass media and Jewish press have been hysterically reporting on yet another farcical prosecution of an elderly German man who is alleged to be “complicit in the Holocaust.” Oskar Groening, an ex-Auschwitz guard and former sergeant in the SS now ridiculously known as the “Accountant of Auschwitz,” is currently standing trial in Lüneburg, Germany for his purported “complicity in the murder of 300,000 mostly Hungarian Jews in two months during the summer of 1944,” according to The New York Times. […]

The persecution of these elderly German men and women should be an outrage to all honorable, respectable individuals.
And to think, Jewish pedophiles in the United Kingdom are shielded from prosecution despite the very credible allegations leveled against them. As I highlighted yesterday, Lord Greville Janner, a high profile Jewish politician in the U.K., was never prosecuted or brought to justice for his sexual crimes against children because, as the U.K. prosecutors said, he was “mentally unfit” for trial. Yet these heroic German men and women, who in realty are “mentally unfit” for trial in many cases (this one especially), are being prosecuted for fake crimes allegedly committed over 70 years ago during WWII. What an absolute disgrace.
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