The mission statement. Your country needs you. It needs your leadership, courage and focus and it desperately needs your wisdom. It needs you to recognize the issues that truly affect your fellow countryfolk. It needs you to apply critical thinking to the incredibly complicated problems that face us and your fellow countrypeople for generations to come. The issues that face us are simple. Simple to recognize but admittedly not so simple to resolve. But the first requirement is to focus on what matters. Focus without the patellar obeisance and Sturm und Drang of the usual suspects. Focus on what needs to be done and disregard the ancillary trifles, the supplemental distractions upon which the vile chapters of the Democratic party focus. Not all are intellectually and spiritually fallen, I hasten to remind. But the voices today that represent the majority of the mouthpieces and bullhorns that infect our political stage are not those of the average goodhearted, well-intentioned, hard-working and honest American. The profane quorum of disparate demagogues and obscene contrarians serve no purpose other than to crank up the volume in the echo chamber and reflect the thoughts of their fellow travelers and fellow victims of terminal #TDS. They are not the majority but enjoy the majority of media platforms. And we have to do something about that. Now. Instanter.
That horrible day. Yesterday represents our annual exercise in euphemizing, sloganeering and bumper sticker activism. Hashtag bigmouths and blateroons quick with a quip and flash tweet. Mosh pit feelers who through their immane “sensitivity” are able to channel the focus of the moment. They make me sick. And why? Because invariably they will admonish you and me to #NeverForget. But they forgot. Everything. And what’s worse, they and we (to be honest and fair) have forgotten everything. We apparently learned nothing from the official narrative of the horrors. How certain Muslim and Islamist foreigners hellbent and focused on doing harm to us slipped in under the radar, many actually complying with extant immigration laws, and regrouped and reconstituted for their terror production. We learned nothing. Today you’ve the bashi-bazouks of the terror left actually calling for open borders, a dissolution of sovereignty and the elimination of national security, all the while demanding to pay the health care bill of invading dastards, hoards and swarms of the undocumented, illegal, unregistered, unknown and anonymous. We learned nothing. Today your government looks away as #Antifa thugs pummel and beat and slap and punch and kick and throttle and laugh at you, me and the rule of law — on antisocial media no less. They’re considered heroes as are #BLM screechers and howlers (whenever they’re roused from dormancy). But the NRA is a terrorist organization?! The most cogent plan outlined and suggested by #Libturd lefties is a prohibition against plastic straws and 38 categories of subgenders. We learned nothing. America is paralyzed by a psycho cycle, where public triggered bleats and screams are the norm. Where points are given for the level of difficulty in deciphering the message of ire. Pussy hats, infanticide, transgender grooming in preschool reading circles, public libraries and Whole Foods converted to perv central recruitment stations, maniacal witch hunts by a benighted and befuddled Mueller. Ah, yes, Herr Mueller, the senescent dotard coot led astray and away. We learned nothing.
Bolton boltin’. When I saw that Wilford Brimley doppelgänger Johnny Boy Bolton had been given a copy of the home game I leapt in joy. I danced about the stall and rode my steed in full gallop as I hooted and hollered yeehawing down the boulevard. I am the Walrus. Nope, you were the Walrus. He is gone! He is gone! (For now.) This man embodies everything wrong and dangerous with Staussian neoconservative ideology and it somehow slipped through our focus. It has nothing to do with conservatism and all to do with a bunch of lapsed libs using military brute force to spread democracy one shattered and destroyed country and people at a time. But never forget, Bolton was a leftie prog. A draft dodging chickenhawk who never smelled gunpowder or blood and would shit his BDUs the first time one of his democracy beneficiaries lobbed a round at him. War for thee but not for me. I despise him. And his Project for the New American Century (PNAC) ilk. What Johnny and his band of intellectual ferrets wanted above all was for our beloved America to completely dominate humankind worldwide (snatching the world’s resources by the by). And all he and they needed was “some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor.” Enter 9/11. Enter the Patriot Act. Enter the longest military action in our republic’s history. As long as I live, two words will forever cause my soul to screech, my spirit to howl: BleachBit and PNAC. And what’s more, ask anyone today what the PNAC ransom note was all about and you’ll get that vacant, void, vacuous stare. That clueless look. The blank blink. But mention transgender bathrooms, cow flatus and mythical climate change and you’ll hit paydirt.
We learned nothing.