8. The Anti-Gun Play

The Essential School Sucks, #8 of 50
Theme One: The Real Problems With Public School
March 27, 2018 - This past weekend hundreds of thousands of ill-informed teenagers participated in a nationwide accidental fundraiser for the NRA called #MarchForOurLives.
Thaddeus Russell returns to examine the bigger picture. We'll discuss the fetish-ization of children by both the left and the right. Other themes include politics as a performance on a stage, dangers of absolutist thinking, Manichaeism (the age-old religious idea of fighting the battle against the darkness on the side of the light, and the comfort and illusion of moral superiority that idea brings), why this phenomenon does NOT require "crisis actors," and the harnessing of teenage angst towards political ends.
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Originally Released March 27, 2018 As "[PODCAST] #552: #ENOUGH – With Thaddeus Russell"