298: Home Education For History's Sake, With Bill Buppert

The first of hopefully many conversations with Bill Buppert of zerogov.com.WARM-UPBill's background and developmentGerman/Prussian contributions to the worldNazis: Cartoon Bad GuysCollectivismsuccessionBill's historical lensObama's change?Government as an occupation force since 1791HOME EDUCATIONBill's decision to Pursue home educationProactive environmental "controls" for home educationworking with five unique home-educated childrenUnschooling SkepticismThe Charlotte Mason MethodTeaching the TriviumTeaching the Quadrivium Adler's How to Read A BookSayersUNAVOIDABLE TANGENTSStoicism vs. Epicureanism Spheres of personal influence and controlFacebook bondageThe Progressives and the New LeftThe Anti-War Left?Look Closer:Bill Buppert's Site - http://zerogov.com/What is the Charlotte Mason Method - https://simplycharlottemason.com/what-is-the-charlotte-mason-method/Befehl ist Befehl: Why Cops Are Morally Wrong by Bill Buppert - http://zerogov.com/?p=3411The Lost Tools of Learning, by Dorothy Sayers - http://www.gbt.org/text/sayers.html