283: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 2) - Permaculture Scaled Up and Scaled Down

Jamin, Karen and I discuss how they developed their interest and expertise in Permaculture. We cover how they scaled their operation up from modest beginnings on a small plot of rented land in a densely populated area to the 12+ acre homestead they have today. We also scale down to strategies for a small, affordable first-time garden grown in less-than-optimal conditions.

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Jamin's Group - Agora et Agricola: the market and farm. - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1931500123655775/

Agorism Resources - http://agorism.info/

Design Principles of Permaculture - http://www.fincatresanillos.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/designprinci…

Paul Wheaton, permies.com - http://www.permies.com/

Permaculture Design Principles Expansion - http://permacultureprinciples.com/principles/