280: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 1) - Why Permaculture?

Jamin and I discuss how agorism, permaculture and the Philosophy of Liberty work together.

Jamin's Notes:
Why would somebody want to do this?

Your efforts will be rewarded. You will have spent less money and time buying food. Less money will go to commercial farming that is heavily subsidized by stolen productivity. The time you spend will be truly working for yourself with the least amount of contribution to supporting the systems of domination possible.

Providing for your own food perpetuates the counter economy by moving productivity out of the realm of the false economy and taxation and into the agora. When paired with barter and alternative currency it exponentially increases it's effectiveness as a revolutionary act. The current systems of domination where made possible in a large part with the control of food production by bandit gangs, and taking back the control of food production from the aphex predator of bandit gangs, (ie the individuals empowered by the myth of the legitimacy of and need for the state) will contribute greatly in a multifaceted approach to strike at the root of state control and replace that predatory mimic of human society with one built on self ownership and spontaneous order created through voluntary cooperation.

While many would argue that this approach is at odds with the concept of specialization that the market thrives on I disagree. I don't see specialization as an all or nothing concept and while I think specialization is a great thing, there comes a point of diminishing returns where you start to lose autonomy from being over specialized. Maybe you could argue that in a freed market with a truly functioning price mechanism (real money and no state interference in the market) that there is no such thing as over specialization, but in the current zombie version of the market where corrections are blunted and postponed by state interference and nobody knows the true cost of anything because of the phony monetary system that favors the first users of newly created debt and those closest to them not to mention all the imperialism backing up the petro dollar paradigm over specialize to the peril of your autonomy because you are then ruled by the experts, authorities, or archons, or rulers. The service cartels, the users of state privilege to shield themselves from the consequences of their actions.

Withdrawing your consent from the system doesn't stop with not participating in the political process the next level is to take back your autonomy a piece at a time by refusing to support the false economy when alternatives exist. The more people that go this route the more strain on the capacity to fund humanity's enslavement and even more important the less credibility the myth of the legitimacy of state power has in the minds of the people when you prove that they don't need to be enslaved in order to be free.

Bumper Music:
"Sco-Mule" Government Mule
"Perfect Shelter" Government Mule

Look Closer:
Jamin's Group - Agora et Agricola: the market and farm. - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1931500123655775/

Agorism Resources - http://agorism.info/

Design Principles of Permaculture - http://www.fincatresanillos.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/designprinci…

Paul Wheaton, permies.com - http://www.permies.com/

Permaculture Design Principles Expansion - http://permacultureprinciples.com/principles/