250b: Live Sestercentepisodic Gala, Part 2 - More On Sustainable Living and Permaculture

A fake celebration of a show that is not even our 250th. Recorded live.

Part 2:
Voices include long-time supporters and friends, Osborne and Brian. This installment includes a fascinating (in my opinion) discussion about agricultural history, practices and sustainability.

-the 3 Ds of agriculture (drudgery, diesel, design)
-what are we eating?
-GMOs, food labeling, "Pure" honey
-Paul Wheaton, permies.com
-what can food growers learn from Mother Nature/forest ecology
-the magic of mushrooms?
-chicken shit-fed tilapia
-Doomsday Preppers and violent hordes preparing to replace the state
-every garden needs a chicken
-how schooling distorts the "free" market

Bumper Music:
"Look Around" Formidable Vegetable Sound System

Look Closer:
Sovereign Living Blog - http://sovereignliving.com/

Design Principles of Permaculture - http://www.fincatresanillos.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/designprinci…

Paul Wheaton, permies.com - http://www.permies.com/

What's urban permaculture? - http://home.howstuffworks.com/lawn-garden/professional-landscaping/alte…

Permaculture Design Principles Expansion - http://permacultureprinciples.com/principles/