250a: Live Sestercentepisodic Gala, Part 1 - GTD Challenges and Solutions

A fake celebration of a show that is not even our 250th. Recorded live.

Voices include long-time supporters and friends, Osborne and Brian. Tony Myers calls in to discuss GTD (David Allen's Getting Things Done) principles, as well as integrating Evernote and Outlook. Lister Cameron also joins the conversation at the end.

Discussed Today:
-The Secret Weapon
-The importance of a capture device
-email overload eating mental RAM?
-Evernote and MS Outlook
-Our professional organizational histories
-dealing with unplanned meetings, interuptions
-finding serenity in what might seem like chaos
-Observation and identification
-Your mind, the computer: what programs are running in the background?

The GTD Flowchart:

Look Closer:
David Allen, Getting Things Done - http://www.davidco.com/

The Trivium method - http://www.triviumeducation.com/

tragedyandhope.com - http://www.tragedyandhope.com/

Evernote - https://evernote.com/