245: The Trivium (Part Three) - Grammar, Logic and Rhetoric

This is part three of a series about the Trivium Method for self-teaching. Gene Odening will accompany us through the next three episodes.

Covered today:

Grammar Review (4:50-16:20)
-parts of speech
-the Golf analogy of wisdom
Logic Review(16:20-29:35)
-the term dialectic
-induction and deduction
-the syllogism
Rhetoric Introduction (29:35-38:30)
-compassionate communication
-self esteem
-the best way to learn is to teach?
The three types of discourse: (38:30-46:47)
-deliberative (political),
-judicial (forensic),
-ceremonial (epideictic).
-related to time: future, past, and present
-common and special topics
The Five Canons of Composition - Cicero (46:47-49:46)
-invention (creating ways to be persuasive)
-arrangement (structuring argument effectively)
-style (appealing to emotion)
-memory (speak extemporaneously)
-delivery (presentation)
The Socratic Circle/Method and the Delphi Technique (49:46-54:52)
-abuse of the Socratic circle, Rand Corporation
-illusions of choice and consensus
Science vs. Scientism, and the Trivium (54:52-1:17:12)
-Global warming: Thom Hartmann vs. Marc Morano
-Hegelian Dialectic
-Kant vs. Galileo
-the trials of Galileo and Bruno
-theoretical science
Review (1:17:12-END)
-Rhetoric - the time factor
-Logic - the big picture and the small picture
-Grammar - what is reality?
-teaching children the Trivium

Look Closer:
Trivium and Quadrivium Cliff Notes by Gene Odening by 8thestate

Trivium Method of Critical Thinking and Creative Problem Solving by 8thestate

Jan Irvin's Site, Trivium Education - http://www.triviumeducation.com/

T&H Trivium Resources - https://www.tragedyandhope.com/trivium/

The Lost Tools of Learning, by Dorothy Sayers - http://www.gbt.org/text/sayers.html