24 Hour Ultimatum! Saudi Arabia threatens Qatar to submit to list of demands or face war

SkyNews Arabia is reporting that Saudi Arabia has given Qatar a 24 hours ultimatum, starting tonight, to fulfill 10 conditions.
The list of demands from Saudi Arabia  has been handed to Kuwait, which is currently mediating the tensions between Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Saudi Arabia gives #Qatar 24 hr ultimatum to fulfill 10 conditions that have been sent to #Kuwait https://t.co/OpWGvvDY7r #Iran #QatarCrisis
— Reza H. Akbari (@rezahakbari) June 6, 2017

Zerohedge is reporting that among the key demands by Saudi Arabia is that Qatar end all ties Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas. Aside from this key demand, little additional information on the Ultimatum and more importantly what happens should Qatar not comply, has been provided to media.

Developing: Saudi Arabia issues ultimatum to #Qatar demanding it end all ties Muslim Brotherhood & Hamas pic.twitter.com/mIgWLsXfKg
— Dipatch2016 (@Daily_News_Wire) June 6, 2017

Al Jazeera reports… 

Kuwait’s Emir, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah, arrived home after a short visit to Saudi Arabia on Tuesday during which he held talks with the Saudi King Salman bin Abdul Aziz on ways to defuse an escalating crisis between Arab countries and Qatar.
No details were given on the talks.
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain cut diplomatic relations with Qatar on Monday in a coordinated move, accusing the peninsula of supporting “terrorists” and Iran.

In an interview on Monday with Al Jazeera, Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani said Kuwait’s ruler, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah, had asked Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Qatar’s ruling emir, to hold off on giving a speech about the crisis late on Tuesday night.
“He received a call from the emir of Kuwait asking him to postpone it in order to give time to solve the crisis,” Sheikh Mohammed said.
Speaking to Al Jazeera, analyst Giorgio Cafiero of Gulf State Analytics noted…

“I think the Kuwaitis as well as Omanis…fear the prospects of these tensions escalating in ways which could undermine the interest of all six members of the GCC.”
“There are many analysts who believe that a potential break-up of the GCC has to be considered right now.”

Cafiero added that if tension escalates, some have warned of a “military confrontation”.

“If these countries fail to resolve their issues and such tensions reaches new heights, we have to be very open to the possibility of these six Arab countries no longer being able to unite under the banner of one council.”

Institute for Gulf Affairs Founder and Director Professor Ali al-Ahmed told Sputnik News

“I project the invasion of Qatar… I have received reports of Saudi military movements near the Qatari border.”
“The Saudis: They are preparing.”

Al-Ahmed warned that a full-scale invasion of Qatar could occur much sooner than anyone anticipated.

“Check on the frequency of bombings in Yemen…A key sign will be if there is a cessation or major reduction in the number of Saudi air strikes being conducted against the rebel forces in Yemen. That would indicate the Saudis are massing their forces for a sudden move against Qatar instead.”

Al-Ahmed further claimed that Trump has signed off on a Saudi invasion of Qatar…“I have it on good authority that Trump has already told the Saudis he would have no objection.”
If the Saudis invaded Qatar, they would also be strongly supported by Egypt and the United Arab Emirates, especially the Kingdom of Bahrain which hosts the US Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf, al-Ahmed stated…

“The Saudis are very angry with the Qataris… The Saudis won’t ever let Yemen have its independence… Bahrain hates Qatar.”

Al-Ahmed notes that Saudi Arabia’s leaders are determined to make Qatar  into a subservient satellite of Riyadh, much like the current government in Yemen…

“The Saudis have two goals: First, to get Qatar into a subservient relationship that is comparable to slave labor. There are to be no half measures. Second, the Saudis are eyeing the massive Qatari reserves of cash. They want it.”

The post 24 Hour Ultimatum! Saudi Arabia threatens Qatar to submit to list of demands or face war appeared first on The Duran.
