221: Home Trivium Roundtable (With Laurette Lynn and Justin Arman)

"...the truth is that you can't homeschool. You can't. Nobody can do school but school. However, the good news is that you are not supposed to do school. You are supposed to do life." - Laurette Lynn

Topic: I join Laurette Lynn (Unplugged Mom)and Justin Arman (Parents For Liberty)to discuss the incorporation of the trivium into home education, flexibility in the learning environment, and how to coexist with people who don't seem to mind living in an authoritarian world.

Look Closer:
Laurette's Website - http://www.laurettelynn.com/

Gatto: The Underground History of American Education - http://www.johntaylorgatto.com/chapters/index.htm

Don't Do Drugs, Stay Out of School - http://www.laurettelynn.com/book/DDDSOOS_Sample.pdf

Parents For Liberty - http://parentsforliberty.org/