2.206 "Put Up or Shut Down" Petition

A 2.206 petition was submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) seeking action on the part of the NRC to either enforce existing regulations for atomic power plants or shut them down. This petition was submitted by seven electrical engineers employed by the NRC. These brave seven submitted the "put up or shut down" petition as private citizens. In the words David Lochbaum of the Union of Concerned Scientists, “If employees of the NRC do not trust the NRC to have acted to protect members of the public and have to petition their employer to protect the public, why should any member of the public trust the NRC to have its back (other than to have its back covered with a target)?”
2.206 Petition on Current Operating Nuclear Power Plants - Open Phase Conditions in Electric Power System Which Lead to Loss of Safety Functions of Both Offsite and Onsite Power Systems, Nuclear Regulatory Commission 

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