21WIRE’s Week in Review: 18 JUN 2016 Edition

21st Century Wire
A review of all the Top Stories from this week – for your consideration.

ORLANDO 'KNOWN WOLF' Watched by FBI, Worked with DHS, Amid Crisis Actors, Drills & CI's

Shawn Helton | Key questions continue to persist in this dramatic Orlando nightclub shooting story.

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Perspectives of Posthumanism: A Perfect Murder

Branko Malić I Posthumanists claim that we are at the threshold of techno utopia. However, it is more likely we could end up suffering a murder by logic.

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US Elections: "The Dystopian Empire's First Empress"

Gilbert Mercier & Dady Chery | Empresses do not believe in Democracy only in violent oppression and colonialism.

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Joe Rogan: "If Hillary Clinton was a male Republican, her supporters would hate her!"

21WIRE | This is an incredibly accurate assessment.

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Orlando Mass Shooting & The Accelerated Police State - UK Column - June 13, 2016

UK Column News | Breaking international news and analysis including the record-breaking mass shooting event in Orlando, Florida.

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Alien Structures on The Moon? The Testimony of Sgt. Karl Wolfe

21WIRE | Is there an ancient history to be discovered on the moon?

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Its Official: Our World is Governed by Psychopaths

21WIRE | The world descends further into a parody of humanitarianism and justice as psychopaths take charge.

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Jay Dyer w/Sofia Smallstorm: Occult Metaphysics of Underground Bases (Half)

Jay Dyer | Manhattan Project, geoengineering, the recent ceremony celebrating the Alps Tunnel, CERN and the occult metaphysics of the Underworld: The elite obsession with Hades.

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Fortified ISIS Positions Within METERS of Turkish Border, Ignored by Coalition Jets

21WIRE | This is really a case of you need to see it to believe it.

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Orlando: FBI Informants & State Dept Links - UK Column - June 14, 2016

UK Column News | Brian Gerrish with guest co-presenter Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE, and geopolitical analyst, Alex Thomson with today's international news.

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Syria: Preparing For The Day After

21WIRE | Interventions have consequences.

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German 'Boots on the Ground' as NATO Troop Build-Up Continues on Syria-Turkey Border

21WIRE | NATO troops invade Syria along Turkish border forming a shadow battle front under cover of fighting ISIS

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Father of Orlando Shooter is Long-time CIA Asset

21WIRE + Mad Cow | Many things are just not right with this story, including the father of the alleged shooter.

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PCR on Orlando: 'No Dead Bodies, No Blood, No Cell Phone Video?'

Paul Craig Roberts | Our Brave New World: where the interests of 'national security' and social engineering are far more powerful than the right of peons to know the truth.

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Syria: Aleppo Doctor Demolishes Imperialist Propaganda and Media Warmongering

Vanessa Beeley | Dr Nabil Antaki, a Doctor based in western Aleppo speaks about all aspects of the US, NATO dirty war against Syria.

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ISIS Leader Baghdadi Rumored Killed in Airstrike

21WIRE | Are we one step closer to the end of ISIS?

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Boiler Room #61 - Hello From the Gutter

Alternate Current Radio | Hesher, Spore, Daniel Spaulding, Andy Nowicki and Randy J go deep in depth on the Orlando shooting.

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BREAKING: British MP Shot and Stabbed, Suspect Under Arrest

21WIRE | A shocking attack in broad daylight in front of many witnesses - with huge social and political implications.

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Impossible Wonders: The Pyramids of Ancient Egypt

21WIRE | The pyramids are just too perfect.

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America's Role in Technetronic Era Revisited: Brzezinski's Fractured Mirror

Branko Malić I Zbigniew Brzezinski's early Seventies book is rightly reviled for it's blatant "prediction" of technocratic methods we are enduring today. But is there something even more sinister t...

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Syria: Washington's War Drums Amplify as US Diplomats Demand 'Global Effort to End Conflict'

21WIRE | US frustration at thwarted Syria road map provokes a veiled call to arms by US Diplomats

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Chicago Daycare Opens for ADULTS to Wear Diapers, Act Like Babies

21WIRE | It's called - Tykables.

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Exploring the Concept of 'Prison Religions'

21WIRE | Do all mainstream religions emanate from a single source?

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The US State Department's Obsessive Collective Hegemony Disorder

Robert Parry | US State Department display terrifying levels of collective insanity to broker WWIII

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YEMEN: Ongoing Violations of War, Human Rights & Humanitarian Law

21WIRE | Speaking out against the US, UK backed Saudi Coalition crimes against Humanity in Yemen

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Black Student 'Activist' Jailed for Tweeting FAKE Racist Threats

21WIRE | A disturbing story of racial manipulation.

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