10. When Mainstream America Learned College Is A Scam

The Essential School Sucks, #10 of 50
Theme One: The Real Problems With Public School
This show concludes our first section of shows on the problem of institutional schooling. We're told the primary purpose of K-12 is get into a good college. So in this installment we'll use a single news story about corruption to create a comprehensive argument against the content, culture, and cost of higher indoctrination.(for most people)
Scott Hambrick and I discuss the so-called biggest scandal in the history of higher education! But what will the public ultimately learn from the Operation Varsity Blues revelations? And what will change?
Scott is a home educating parent, entrepreneur, strength coach and the creator (Reader In Chief) of OnlineGreatBooks.com (https://onlinegreatbooks.com/ogb-memberships/?cookieUUID=b0752603-b84f-…).
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Originally Released March 15, 2019 As "COLLEGE SCAM! – Mainstream America Learns A New Phrase [PODCAST #603]"