The “Ebola” Scam REDUX – What you should know before crawling into a hole

Just a short list for now…..

Fact or Fiction?: The Ebola Virus Will Go Airborne
Interviews with several infectious diseases experts reveal that whereas such a mutation—or more likely series of mutations—might physically be possible, it’s highly unlikely. In fact, there’s almost no historical precedent for any virus to change its basic mode of transmission so radically. “We have so many problems with Ebola, let’s not make another one that, of course, is theoretically possible but is pretty way down on the list of likely issues,” says infectious diseases expert William Schaffner of Vanderbilt University. “Everything that is happening now can easily be comprehensively explained by person-to-person spread via body contact. We don’t have to invoke anything else.”
Here is what it would take for it to become a real airborne risk: First off, a substantial amount of Ebola virus would need to start replicating in cells that reside in the throat, the bronchial tubes and possibly in the lungs. Second, the airborne method would have to be so much more efficient than the current extremely efficient means of transmission that it would overcome any genetic costs to the virus stemming from the mutation itself. Substantial natural hurdles make it unlikely that either event will occur.
Currently, Ebola typically gains entry into the body through breaks in the skin, the watery fluid around the eye or the moist tissues of the nose or mouth. Then it infects various cells of the immune system, which it tricks into making more copies of itself. The end result: a massive attack on the blood vessels, not the respiratory system.
Even viruses that are well adapted to attacking the respiratory system often have a hard time getting transmitted through the airways. Consider the experience so far with avian flu, which is easily transmitted through the air in birds but hasn’t yet mutated to become easily spreadable in that fashion among people.

GSK Fast-tracked into clinical trials
CFR Council on Fake Realities Vaccine Created Outbreaks? MAP
GSK’s Ebola vaccine to begin US clinical trials in weeks
Polio Vaccine Contaminated with Monkey Cancer Virus
Human Trial for Ebola Vaccine to Begin This Week
HIV Vaccine Infects 41 Volunteers
Ebola Vaccine to Get Human Trial for the First Time
EPA Admits you are Eating Neurotoxins
Clinical Trials Ebola Vaccine Studies
New Flu Shot Contains Insect DNA
Ebola Experimental Vaccine for Prevention of Ebola Virus Infection
Vaccine Exemption Forms

The Troubling Truth Behind the Ebola Outbreak

 Tony Cartalucci

In the Guardian’s article, “Panic as deadly Ebola virus spreads across West Africa,” it reports:

Since the outbreak of the deadly strain of Zaire Ebola in Guinea in February, around 90 people have died as the disease has traveled to neighbouring Sierra Leone, Liberia and Mali. The outbreak has sent shock waves through communities who know little of the disease or how it is transmitted. The cases in Mali have added to fears that it is spreading through West Africa.

The Guardian also reported that  Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), also known in English as Doctors Without Borders (Both a creation of the Rockefeller Foundation via Richard Rockefeller – son of David, and whom just died in a Plane Crash) , had established treatment centers in Guinea, one of which came under attack as locals accused the foreign aid group of bringing the disease into the country. Also under fire is the government of Guinea itself, which has proved incapable of handling the crisis.
This latest outbreak, which has yet to be contained and is being considered by Doctors Without Borders as an “unprecedented epidemic,” illustrates several troubling truths about global health care, emergency response to outbreaks, and the perception many have of a West subjecting the developing world to a “medical tyranny.”

People who fish along the coast have been complaining to local government officials about the lack of fish. (This is due to Oil Leakage ala the BP / Halliburton Gulf  Spill or Exxon / BP Valdez spill… It is said that this is why some villagers have resorted to “piracy”)  —  Now there won’t be complaints as there won’t be many fishermen left either.
These oil maps are kind of a coincidence no?  They can almost be interchanged for Ebola outbreak maps.
Oil = Ebola = no people and frees up the land.
Ebola = Total Control
Quarantines reinforce energy and resources / land grabs… While limiting Chinese access to same. 

CIA torture of terror suspects ‘far exceeds waterboarding, ‘ brought prisoners close to point of death

Lockdown to Combat Ebola in Sierra Leone  6 Sept 2014 Sierra Leone will impose a four-day countrywide lockdown as part of efforts to halt the spread of the deadly ebola virus. Ben Kargbo, a presidential adviser on the country’s ebola task force, said citizens will not be allowed to leave their homes between September 18 and 21. This will allow health workers to identify cases in the early stages of the illness which has killed more than 2,000 people since March.

