“Bride of Frankenfood” Hillary Clinton’s GMO Ties Spark Backlash in Iowa

Hillary Clinton, former first lady, and current Democrat hopeful for President, has a new name in Iowa: “Bride of Frankenfood,” and it has been dubbed her moniker for good reason.
Clinton has some deep ties to biotech, paraded her support of GMOs more prominently than any sane person should in a 65-minute keynote appearance at the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO) convention in San Diego.
Perhaps her supporters in Iowa hadn’t heard about Clinton’s deep ties with Big Ag and Biotech, but they’re all ears now.
Clinton is on record stating that biotech professionals need to continue to promote the case for GM seed:

“I stand in favor of using seeds and products that have a proven track record. . .There is a big gap between what the facts are, and what the perceptions are.”

GM corn and soy are at the heart of Iowa’s economy, but people are still ditching Clinton like yesterday’s trash. This was evidenced recently at a meeting of the Tri-County Democrats, where members gauged support for the former secretary of state.
Read: How Almost All major 2016 Candidates Oppose GMO Labeling
As one website reports:

“A large faction of women voiced strong support for Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy until the GMO issue came up, prompting them to switch allegiances to Sen. Bernard Sanders of Vermont, a liberal stalwart challenging her for the Democratic nomination.
“I was surprised, because these women were really pushing for Hillary until they found out about the Monsanto connection, and then they dropped her like a hot potato,” said James Berge, Democratic Party chairman for Worth County, Iowa.”

It looks like people are waking up left and right, and are simply sick of being poisoned for profit.
Just how close is Hillary to Monsanto? Mark Penn, CEO for Burson-Marsteller, one of the world’s large PR firms representing Monsanto, advised her for years and ran her campaign to become secretary of state. He showed up again here lately.
Additionally, Michael Taylor is a Monsanto lawyer Bill Clinton once put in charge of the FDA where he approved Monsanto’s rBGH, and the Clinton team advised Obama to put Tom Vilsack, biotech cheerleader, in the position heading the USDA!
Just say no to GMO, and just say no to Hillary Clinton – The Bride of Frankenfood.

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