#CreepyUncleJoe’s in. That would be Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. The trichophile. The capped, plugged, Botoxed, sandblasted, plastered and spackled partialist, Sen. Joe Biden. Mr. Common Guy. The everyday man. The creepiest feller bar none. Fraud, plagiarist, opportunist, political leech and lech. Relic, has-been and go-to Swamp Rat ready to again double-down and double-cross Bernie Sanders, faux Socialist and spineless, impuissant feeb, who caved in to the Oven Mitt Fashionista HRC after they threatened the Missus with a surfeit ration of charges. Yep, Joe Biden, a man who’s assumed every position on every subject throughout his interminable reign. Mr. Touchy-Feely. The fellow who quipped anent Trump: “I wish I were in high school, I could take him behind the gym.” And knowing Joe, God knows what he’d like to do behind the gym, if you catch my drift.
This line deserves its own paragraph. Remember this 2007 beaut as to Barry? “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” Biden said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.” Clean? Wait. CLEAN?! The first mainstream A-A, that is. Wow. Articulate and clean. Imagine that. Well, Dems, he’s all yours. And we can’t wait.
And he’ll most certainly be the Dem nominee. Gotta be. It’s the only selection that remotely makes sense and I realize that nothing about the Dems remotely makes sense, at least this iteration and incarnation. Gone are the days when they were coherent and actually admirable and vital and relevant and critical to the development and maintenance of policies that eschewed ludicrous war and war profiteering and advanced human rights. Gone are the days when they promoted antiwar sentiment and the solemn tack of civil rights for all. Today the trichophile Joe’s goal is to corral some form of legitimate and winnable cause among the demented whose sole focus today is the recombination, elimination and removal of border security. They push massive migration, immigration and swarms and hordes of humanity breaching the dam. If ochlocracy’s your bag, the Dems are it. Think huge invading murmurations of unchecked, unverified, undocumented, unmonitored, unwatched and unwashed, uncontrollable, unfettered and unimaginably unmanageable humanity pouring into towns, villages and hamlets, already overrun and teeming with legitimate asylum and citizenship seekers. Welcome, Joe. Have a seat.
Focus. Now, notwithstanding the foregoing, remember one thing: As insane, inane and vapid as the Creepster may seem, I’m telling you now and again: He’s the best chance the Dems have of unseating Trump. Not a great chance or a substantial chance but the best chance nonetheless. He’s a formidable opponent and can schmooze and schlep and schmear the schmaltz with the best of ‘em. And remember, the Swamp wants one of their own and Creepy Joe’s one of their own. And don’t think that Obama’s not being a Biden fan means anything. Obama was a Beto booster and will now have to break the news to the Napoleon Dynamite doppelgänger that it’s not his time. Especially when ButtiGiggityGiggity enters the scene. Even today, as you read this, the Prince of South Bend is pledging fealty to his Eminence, the Racial Arsonist of the National Action Network con, the Conniver-in-Chief, the Least Reverend Al Charlatan. That’s right, Mayor Pete’s schlepping and trekking to Sylvia’s to have his mandatory five-minute sit-down to kiss the ring and the arse of the FBI rat in residence.
Back to the message. But listen to me . . . don’t think for a moment that the average Main Street mainstream mainframe American couldn’t and wouldn’t think that Creepy might make a welcome break from the drain and drone and Sturm und Drang of the diurnal cavils, carps and contretemps of the usual. I’m sorry to remind you but people vote (some, that is) for the most idiotic reasons (well, to me that is).
And speaking of treachery. Fox News. My, how they’ve lost their way. Their focus and goal and Murdoch-Ailes direction and vector. Now that the Brothers Murdoch et uxores took over with a venom and vengeance that few have ever seen or heard. That magnificent has been the fall. That immane the redirection. Cue TAPS, Sparky. It’s over. I want you who may prefer a rational more conservative real world look at the real world to now know that it’s official: the Fox News Channel is dead. Gone. Through. Finished. What you’re seeing now are the remnants of a dead star that burnt our millions of years ago yet the light hasn’t reached Earth yet. What you think you see if you watch that pathetic vestige of an Ailes platform is the vestigial memory of a place that has since self-destructed — because the light hasn’t hit yet. Or the realization.
Perfidy, anyone? Look no further than what they did as exhibited by and through the horrid treatment of Bill Donohue of the Catholic League when he dared and deigned to question the particular timing of the supremely suspicious Notre-Dame de Paris arson, er, fire. Yep, the same cathedral — REPEAT: Cathedral! — that Manny the Macaroon Macron wants to rebuild as a multicultural thingamajig. I trust you see what’s happening. And I further trust that you realize that what Dr. Donohue was trying to advance, not via the lens of the oft-suspected conspiracy theorist lens but rather, through the limpid and pellucid perspective of an historian of the first order, with impeccable credentials and that of a sentient member of the Catholic community. No, it appears that his interrogator, the quisling Neil Cavuto, quickly dismissed anything that could in any wise be interpreted as suggesting and recommending a thorough appraisal of reality. A reality that indicates that Christianity is under attack not only by and through those who seek to destroy its foundation(s) but those who seek to euphemize the deliberate targeting of its traditional and theology. (See Easter celebrants versus Christians.)
The valedictory. My fellow patriots, we are under a full-bore, full-frontal, all-out attack on that which represents the undergirding of our society. Our country and our way of life. Our history, identity, tradition, customs, values, language and, yes, religion. This is an existential battle. Make no mistake about it. Dismiss it and such at your own peril. This is not a drill. This is not a dress rehearsal. As Nena intoned: “This is what we’ve waited for. This is it boys, this is war.”
Now, any questions?
Until next time, patriot.