American Institute for Economic Research

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Fri, 04/12/2024 - 10:36
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Title Publish date Imported
Weekly Initial Claims for Unemployment Continue to Trend Lower Wed, 11/10/2021 - 17:01 Wed, 11/10/2021 - 18:58
Biden’s Plan to “Tax The Rich” Will Cost the Middle Class Wed, 11/10/2021 - 17:01 Wed, 11/10/2021 - 18:58
The FDA is Back and Coming after Smart Socks Wed, 11/10/2021 - 16:01 Wed, 11/10/2021 - 18:58
The Great Tax Gap Flap Wed, 11/10/2021 - 15:01 Wed, 11/10/2021 - 18:58
Dopesick Resurrects an Opioid Narrative That Is ‘Neat, Plausible, and Wrong’ Tue, 11/09/2021 - 17:01 Tue, 11/09/2021 - 17:30
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Economics Classroom Tue, 11/09/2021 - 16:01 Tue, 11/09/2021 - 17:30
AIER Leading Indicators Index Falls Again, Hitting the Neutral 50 Mark Tue, 11/09/2021 - 15:06 Tue, 11/09/2021 - 17:30
Negative Interest Rates and the ECB’s Brave New Credit World Tue, 11/09/2021 - 14:01 Tue, 11/09/2021 - 17:30
Government Jobs for All? Mon, 11/08/2021 - 17:01 Mon, 11/08/2021 - 22:16
J&J Isn’t the Bad Guy in the Talcum Tort Transfer Mon, 11/08/2021 - 16:01 Mon, 11/08/2021 - 22:16
Book Review: George Melloan’s ‘Bogus Science’ Mon, 11/08/2021 - 15:01 Mon, 11/08/2021 - 15:56
Bitter Belated Afghan Vindication Sun, 11/07/2021 - 16:01 Sun, 11/07/2021 - 20:52
Was Keynes Right on Short Work Weeks? Sun, 11/07/2021 - 15:01 Sun, 11/07/2021 - 20:52
Resisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform Sat, 11/06/2021 - 15:01 Sat, 11/06/2021 - 19:26
Vaccine Authoritarianism Explained Sat, 11/06/2021 - 14:01 Sat, 11/06/2021 - 19:26
Payrolls Gains Reaccelerated in October Fri, 11/05/2021 - 16:20 Fri, 11/05/2021 - 17:52
China and the Monroe Doctrine: What’s Good for the Goose Is Good for the Gander? Fri, 11/05/2021 - 16:01 Fri, 11/05/2021 - 17:52
Asia, Not the US Is the Main Source of Global Warming Fri, 11/05/2021 - 15:01 Fri, 11/05/2021 - 17:52
An Open Letter to a Candidate for Political Office Fri, 11/05/2021 - 14:01 Fri, 11/05/2021 - 17:52
A New Era of Stagflation? Thu, 11/04/2021 - 16:01 Thu, 11/04/2021 - 16:24
Weekly Initial Claims for Unemployment Benefits Fall Again Thu, 11/04/2021 - 15:06 Thu, 11/04/2021 - 16:24
Three Minutes in Fort Worth Thu, 11/04/2021 - 15:01 Thu, 11/04/2021 - 16:24
The General Welfare Thu, 11/04/2021 - 14:01 Thu, 11/04/2021 - 16:24
Stagflation in the Disco Era Wed, 11/03/2021 - 20:43 Wed, 11/03/2021 - 21:24
Cryptocurrencies and the National Bank Act: Learning the Wrong Lessons from History Wed, 11/03/2021 - 16:01 Wed, 11/03/2021 - 21:24
Not Worth a Continental Wed, 11/03/2021 - 15:01 Wed, 11/03/2021 - 21:24
Was Satoshi Nakamoto Right about Bitcoin Payments? Wed, 11/03/2021 - 14:01 Wed, 11/03/2021 - 15:00
Gain of Function Controversy Demands Greater Scrutiny for Government-Funded Science Tue, 11/02/2021 - 16:01 Tue, 11/02/2021 - 19:48
Booker T. Washington Would Have Spotted This False Flag Tue, 11/02/2021 - 15:01 Tue, 11/02/2021 - 19:48
’Till Tireless Propaganda Tames’: C.S. Lewis’ Prescient Warning Tue, 11/02/2021 - 14:01 Tue, 11/02/2021 - 19:48
Demand Remained Strong for the Manufacturing Sector in October Mon, 11/01/2021 - 20:22 Tue, 11/02/2021 - 00:44
Green Jobs Are a Cost, not a Benefit Mon, 11/01/2021 - 16:01 Mon, 11/01/2021 - 18:26
A U.S. Wealth Tax Would Force Wealth Out of the U.S. Mon, 11/01/2021 - 15:01 Mon, 11/01/2021 - 18:26
The Terrible Baby Boomers Mon, 11/01/2021 - 14:01 Mon, 11/01/2021 - 18:26
Halloweenomics Sun, 10/31/2021 - 16:01 Sun, 10/31/2021 - 16:58
Facing Reality: Two Truths About Race in America Sun, 10/31/2021 - 15:01 Sun, 10/31/2021 - 16:58
Parents as Domestic Terrorists: Why No One Should Be Surprised Sat, 10/30/2021 - 17:01 Sat, 10/30/2021 - 22:56
Adam Smith and Problems with the New Paternalism Sat, 10/30/2021 - 16:01 Sat, 10/30/2021 - 16:36
What Does ‘Transitory Inflation’ Really Mean? Fri, 10/29/2021 - 17:53 Fri, 10/29/2021 - 21:26
A Clear and Nuanced View on Generational Conflict Fri, 10/29/2021 - 16:01 Fri, 10/29/2021 - 21:26
The Surprising Social Signals of Halloween Fri, 10/29/2021 - 15:01 Fri, 10/29/2021 - 21:26
Rationalizing The Chinese Communist Party Thu, 10/28/2021 - 17:01 Thu, 10/28/2021 - 20:08
FNB’s Shameful Public Purse Raid Thu, 10/28/2021 - 16:01 Thu, 10/28/2021 - 20:08
Avoid the Reductio When Arguing Over the Minimum Wage Thu, 10/28/2021 - 15:01 Thu, 10/28/2021 - 20:08
Fading Covid Boosts Consumer Confidence in October Wed, 10/27/2021 - 19:16 Thu, 10/28/2021 - 00:58
Crowding Out Under Quantitative Easing Wed, 10/27/2021 - 17:01 Wed, 10/27/2021 - 18:30
Core Capital-Goods Orders Suggest Business Investment Remains Robust Wed, 10/27/2021 - 16:07 Wed, 10/27/2021 - 18:30
We at 100: The Case for Liberty Wed, 10/27/2021 - 16:01 Wed, 10/27/2021 - 18:30
Why Bother? Wed, 10/27/2021 - 15:01 Wed, 10/27/2021 - 18:30
New Single-Family Home Sales Rose in September as Prices Continue to Surge Tue, 10/26/2021 - 18:05 Tue, 10/26/2021 - 23:34