School Sucks Project

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
293: A Valedictorian Reflects On Her Experiences With "Playing School" Wed, 06/18/2014 - 17:28 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
293: A Valedictorian Reflects On Her Experiences With "Playing School" Wed, 06/18/2014 - 17:28 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
292 (Supplemental): Brett On Peace News Now With Derrick J Mon, 06/16/2014 - 18:15 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
292 (Supplemental): Brett On Peace News Now With Derrick J Mon, 06/16/2014 - 18:15 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
292 (Supplemental): Brett On Peace News Now With Derrick J Mon, 06/16/2014 - 18:15 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
291: FREE A/V - Presence and Productivity Series Out-Takes (August 2013) Wed, 06/11/2014 - 15:33 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
291: FREE A/V - Presence and Productivity Series Out-Takes (August 2013) Wed, 06/11/2014 - 15:33 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
291: FREE A/V - Presence and Productivity Series Out-Takes (August 2013) Wed, 06/11/2014 - 15:33 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
290: The Hazards of Disconnection - Two Conversations and An Article (With Darrell Becker, Mark Edge and Ian Freeman) Thu, 06/05/2014 - 20:26 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
290: The Hazards of Disconnection - Two Conversations and An Article (With Darrell Becker, Mark Edge and Ian Freeman) Thu, 06/05/2014 - 20:26 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
290: The Hazards of Disconnection - Two Conversations and An Article (With Darrell Becker, Mark Edge and Ian Freeman) Thu, 06/05/2014 - 20:26 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
289: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 4) - Permaculture Connections to The Trivium, The NAP and The Practice of Living Purposefully Mon, 06/02/2014 - 15:55 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
289: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 4) - Permaculture Connections to The Trivium, The NAP and The Practice of Living Purposefully Mon, 06/02/2014 - 15:55 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
289: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 4) - Permaculture Connections to The Trivium, The NAP and The Practice of Living Purposefully Mon, 06/02/2014 - 15:55 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
288: Listener Q&A With Thaddeus Russell Mon, 05/26/2014 - 16:00 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
288: Listener Q&A With Thaddeus Russell Mon, 05/26/2014 - 16:00 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
288: Listener Q&A With Thaddeus Russell Mon, 05/26/2014 - 16:00 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
287 (Supplemental): Brett On Anarchast With Jeff Berwick Tue, 05/20/2014 - 16:32 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
287 (Supplemental): Brett On Anarchast With Jeff Berwick Tue, 05/20/2014 - 16:32 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
287 (Supplemental): Brett On Anarchast With Jeff Berwick Tue, 05/20/2014 - 16:32 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
286: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 3) - Permaculture Mail Bag and Barnyard Aftershow Thu, 05/15/2014 - 14:20 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
286: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 3) - Permaculture Mail Bag and Barnyard Aftershow Thu, 05/15/2014 - 14:20 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
286: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 3) - Permaculture Mail Bag and Barnyard Aftershow Thu, 05/15/2014 - 14:20 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
285: Where Do White People Come From? (with Thaddeus Russell) Sun, 05/11/2014 - 15:12 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
285: Where Do White People Come From? (with Thaddeus Russell) Sun, 05/11/2014 - 15:12 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
285: Where Do White People Come From? (with Thaddeus Russell) Sun, 05/11/2014 - 15:12 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
284 (Live Show): Education Alternatives Spotlight - Informal University Fri, 05/09/2014 - 14:29 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
284 (Live Show): Education Alternatives Spotlight - Informal University Fri, 05/09/2014 - 14:29 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
284 (Live Show): Education Alternatives Spotlight - Informal University Fri, 05/09/2014 - 14:29 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
283: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 2) - Permaculture Scaled Up and Scaled Down Mon, 05/05/2014 - 20:48 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
283: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 2) - Permaculture Scaled Up and Scaled Down Mon, 05/05/2014 - 20:48 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
283: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 2) - Permaculture Scaled Up and Scaled Down Mon, 05/05/2014 - 20:48 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
282: Self-Esteem In the Schools (The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem Part 8) Wed, 04/30/2014 - 18:33 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
282: Self-Esteem In the Schools (The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem Part 8) Wed, 04/30/2014 - 18:33 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
282: Self-Esteem In the Schools (The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem Part 8) Wed, 04/30/2014 - 18:33 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
281: Ben Stone (2 of 2): Diminishing the Market Demand For Government Sat, 04/26/2014 - 13:56 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:04
281: Ben Stone (2 of 2): Diminishing the Market Demand For Government Sat, 04/26/2014 - 13:56 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
281: Ben Stone (2 of 2): Diminishing the Market Demand For Government Sat, 04/26/2014 - 13:56 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
280: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 1) - Why Permaculture? Thu, 04/24/2014 - 18:42 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
280: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 1) - Why Permaculture? Thu, 04/24/2014 - 18:42 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:06
280: Autonomy Through Agorism (Part 1) - Why Permaculture? Thu, 04/24/2014 - 18:42 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
279: Some Abolitionists Thought Slaves Were Too...Free? (with Thaddeus Russell) Fri, 04/18/2014 - 02:35 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
279: Some Abolitionists Thought Slaves Were Too...Free? (with Thaddeus Russell) Fri, 04/18/2014 - 02:35 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:06
279: Some Abolitionists Thought Slaves Were Too...Free? (with Thaddeus Russell) Fri, 04/18/2014 - 02:35 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
278: Ben Stone (1 of 2): Creating A Market Demand For Liberty Wed, 04/16/2014 - 17:52 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
278: Ben Stone (1 of 2): Creating A Market Demand For Liberty Wed, 04/16/2014 - 17:52 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:06
278: Ben Stone (1 of 2): Creating A Market Demand For Liberty Wed, 04/16/2014 - 17:52 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12
277: Michael Dean Didn't Like School, and Vice Versa Thu, 04/10/2014 - 22:06 Wed, 06/13/2018 - 07:20
277: Michael Dean Didn't Like School, and Vice Versa Thu, 04/10/2014 - 22:06 Mon, 05/02/2022 - 11:06
277: Michael Dean Didn't Like School, and Vice Versa Thu, 04/10/2014 - 22:06 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 00:12