The Anti Media

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Alternative Media
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Title Publish date Imported
Watch an Active Duty Soldier Perfectly Explain Military Suicides: “It’s All About the Money” Fri, 04/08/2016 - 20:24 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 20:36
19 Facts That Prove Things In America Are Worse Than They Were Six Months Ago Fri, 04/08/2016 - 17:05 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 17:24
Governor: US Drone Strikes Kill 17 Civilians in Afghanistan Fri, 04/08/2016 - 16:06 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 16:20
Corbyn Goes After Cameron Over Tax Avoidance Allegations Fri, 04/08/2016 - 15:23 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 15:48
Forget Panama, Here’s the Rothschild Guide to Laundering Money in America Fri, 04/08/2016 - 02:14 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 02:28
Chomsky: Israel Acquiring Nuclear-Armed Submarines for Possible Attack on Iran Fri, 04/08/2016 - 01:24 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 01:56
62 Percent of Americans Think We Send Too Much Foreign Aid to Israel Thu, 04/07/2016 - 23:38 Thu, 04/07/2016 - 23:48
Jailed Bankers Freed Early as Icelandic Government Implodes Over Panama Papers Thu, 04/07/2016 - 22:17 Thu, 04/07/2016 - 22:44
What You Need to Know About the US-Backed War in Yemen You Didn’t Hear About Thu, 04/07/2016 - 20:30 Thu, 04/07/2016 - 20:36
Which American States Have The Most Billionaires Thu, 04/07/2016 - 17:51 Fri, 04/08/2016 - 16:52
Obama’s Panama Papers Speech Ignored Fact That US Is World’s Largest Tax Haven Thu, 04/07/2016 - 03:34 Thu, 04/07/2016 - 04:04
Pregnant Woman Among Children And Civilians Killed By Syrian Rebels Thu, 04/07/2016 - 01:33 Thu, 04/07/2016 - 01:56
Electric Vehicles Could Completely Replace Gas-Powered Cars by 2025 or Sooner Thu, 04/07/2016 - 01:08 Thu, 04/07/2016 - 01:24
Your Tax Dollars at Work: US Among World’s Top Executioners in 2015 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 22:41 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 22:44
While Banksy Makes Millions, Street Artists are Going to Jail Wed, 04/06/2016 - 22:08 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 22:12
Here’s What Happens When You Tell The TRUTH In The US Military Wed, 04/06/2016 - 21:20 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 21:40
Yes, the Panama Papers Could Really End Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Wed, 04/06/2016 - 20:15 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 20:36
WikiLeaks Spokesperson Says Panama Papers Should Be Made Available to Public Wed, 04/06/2016 - 18:39 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 19:00
Wikileaks Accuses Panama Papers Leakers of Being Funded by Western Billionaires Wed, 04/06/2016 - 05:28 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 05:40
Here Are Some Of The Americans In The “Panama Papers” Wed, 04/06/2016 - 00:54 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 01:24
Here’s Why Hillary Clinton Is Actually to Blame for the Rise of Donald Trump Wed, 04/06/2016 - 00:30 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 00:52
Veterans Say Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan Created a ”Terrorist-Producing Factory” Tue, 04/05/2016 - 21:13 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 01:24
Keystone Pipeline Shut Down After it Begins Leaking in South Dakota Tue, 04/05/2016 - 20:15 Tue, 04/05/2016 - 20:36
The TSA Spent $1.4 Million on an App That Only Cost This Guy $10 to Reproduce Tue, 04/05/2016 - 19:25 Tue, 04/05/2016 - 19:32
The Who’s Who of Middle East Leaders and Their Secret Billions Tue, 04/05/2016 - 18:38 Tue, 04/05/2016 - 19:00
Why Nuclear Power Plants Are Weapons of Mass Destruction Waiting to Happen Tue, 04/05/2016 - 01:50 Tue, 04/05/2016 - 01:56
Why Patriotism Is a Lie Tue, 04/05/2016 - 01:23 Tue, 04/05/2016 - 01:56
Here Are the Surprising Habits of Original Thinkers Mon, 04/04/2016 - 23:36 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 23:48
Hillary Clinton Has a New Enemy: People Who Care About the Environment Mon, 04/04/2016 - 22:06 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 22:12
Panama Papers: British Elite Linked to Corruption, yet Media Only Focuses on Putin Mon, 04/04/2016 - 20:01 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 20:04
Why the American Public Is Starting to Reject Fracking Mon, 04/04/2016 - 18:31 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 19:00
Muslim Teacher Who Died Protecting Christians Honored for Bravery Mon, 04/04/2016 - 16:50 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 16:52
Why Are There 12 American Generals Leading the War in Iraq That Doesn’t Exist? Sun, 04/03/2016 - 00:40 Sun, 04/03/2016 - 00:52
Whoopi Goldberg Launching Cannabis Products to Help Women Deal with Menstrual Pain Sat, 04/02/2016 - 01:25 Sat, 04/02/2016 - 01:56
UN Peacekeepers Accused of Rape, Forced Bestiality in Latest Scandal Sat, 04/02/2016 - 00:43 Sat, 04/02/2016 - 00:52
2022 World Cup Already Responsible for Over 1,000 Deaths, FIFA Looks Away Fri, 04/01/2016 - 22:32 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 22:44
The FBI Just Indicted Hillary Clinton over Libyan War Crimes Fri, 04/01/2016 - 21:57 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 22:12
Donald Trump Developing Reality Show Around Presidential Campaign Fri, 04/01/2016 - 21:41 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 22:12
ISIS Forbids Last Remaining Christians from Fleeing Persecution Fri, 04/01/2016 - 18:27 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 19:00
WikiLeaks: Google & Al-Jazeera Encouraged Civil War In Syria Fri, 04/01/2016 - 17:49 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 17:56
A European PATRIOT Act Will Not Keep People Safe Fri, 04/01/2016 - 00:59 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 01:24
Israeli Soldier Won’t Face Murder Charge After Executing Palestinian in the Street Fri, 04/01/2016 - 00:45 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 00:52
Verge of Revolution: The Story You Aren’t Being Told About the Brazilian Uprising Fri, 04/01/2016 - 00:05 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 00:20
A Child Is Killed or Maimed Every Four Hours in War-Torn Yemen Thu, 03/31/2016 - 22:39 Thu, 03/31/2016 - 22:44
Family of Man ‘Mistakenly’ Shot Seven Times in Head by Police Loses Fight for Justice Thu, 03/31/2016 - 22:18 Thu, 03/31/2016 - 22:44
The FDA Just Got Slapped with a Lawsuit for Approving Genetically-Engineered Salmon Thu, 03/31/2016 - 21:21 Thu, 03/31/2016 - 21:40
Healthcare CEO Told Nurses to Fatally Overdose Patients to Increase Profit Thu, 03/31/2016 - 20:09 Thu, 03/31/2016 - 20:36
After Swearing It Wouldn’t, FBI to Help Unlock Other Apple Devices Thu, 03/31/2016 - 18:30 Thu, 03/31/2016 - 19:00
Energy Tycoon Spends $1 Billion On Son’s Wedding; Locals Dub It “Feast In A Time Of Plague” Thu, 03/31/2016 - 18:11 Thu, 03/31/2016 - 18:28
Obama to Decide on Increasing Troops in Iraq ‘Soon’ Thu, 03/31/2016 - 16:53 Thu, 03/31/2016 - 17:24