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Wed, 12/20/2023 - 23:23
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Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
Massacre In Somalia: US Troops To Blame? Thu, 11/30/2017 - 20:16 Thu, 11/30/2017 - 20:36
Cubans Are Starting Small Businesses, but the US Is Hurting Them Thu, 11/30/2017 - 15:43 Thu, 11/30/2017 - 15:48
Depraved Treatment of Drug War Captives on US Coast Guard Ships Wed, 11/29/2017 - 20:58 Wed, 11/29/2017 - 21:08
Ron Paul on ‘Turning The Corner’ in Afghanistan… Again Wed, 11/29/2017 - 20:50 Wed, 11/29/2017 - 21:08
The Afghan War Isn’t a Stalemate: It’s a Defeat Wed, 11/29/2017 - 17:28 Wed, 11/29/2017 - 17:56
Iran Re-Certified; Washington In Denial Wed, 11/29/2017 - 04:25 Wed, 11/29/2017 - 04:36
Ron Paul on Hypocrisy: US Meddling in Hungarian Elections Mon, 11/27/2017 - 20:39 Mon, 11/27/2017 - 21:08
Abolish the TSA as Soon as Possible: Ron Paul Interviews Jim Bovard Wed, 11/22/2017 - 20:07 Wed, 11/22/2017 - 20:32
The Quality of Mercy by Kathy Kelly Tue, 11/21/2017 - 22:08 Tue, 11/21/2017 - 22:08
Saudi Purges Explained: Ron Paul Interviews Marwa Osman Live From Lebanon Tue, 11/21/2017 - 20:24 Tue, 11/21/2017 - 20:32
OMG! Trump Aide Met With NATO Partner Hungary During Campaign! Tue, 11/21/2017 - 18:47 Tue, 11/21/2017 - 19:28 Launches Matching Funds Bitcoin Drive Mon, 11/20/2017 - 20:01 Mon, 11/20/2017 - 20:32
DOD Conference Bill Passed… Yet We’re Less Safe and More Poor Mon, 11/20/2017 - 19:36 Mon, 11/20/2017 - 20:00
US Air Strikes and Civilian Deaths in the War on Terror Mon, 11/20/2017 - 15:36 Mon, 11/20/2017 - 15:44
Peter Van Buren: Soldier Boy, for Veteran’s Day Fri, 11/17/2017 - 06:42 Fri, 11/17/2017 - 07:12
The Real Cost Of War: Three Times More Than The Government Admits Thu, 11/16/2017 - 18:46 Thu, 11/16/2017 - 18:56
Dennis Kucinich Discusses the ‘Permanent Government’ Behind US Foreign Intervention Thu, 11/16/2017 - 17:46 Thu, 11/16/2017 - 18:24
National Defense versus Global (In)Security Thu, 11/16/2017 - 17:28 Thu, 11/16/2017 - 17:52
Rep. John Duncan: There Is Nothing Patriotic or Conservative About Our Bloated Defense Budget Thu, 11/16/2017 - 16:49 Thu, 11/16/2017 - 22:40
War on ISIS – Whose Side Are We Really On? Wed, 11/15/2017 - 21:41 Wed, 11/15/2017 - 22:08
Thank You, Ed Herman Tue, 11/14/2017 - 20:49 Tue, 11/14/2017 - 21:04
Kochs Spend Big On Foreign Policy Realism… Should Neocons Be Worried? Tue, 11/14/2017 - 20:36 Tue, 11/14/2017 - 21:04
Ron Paul asks: Is Trump Getting a Bad Rap On His Asia Trip? Tue, 11/14/2017 - 01:39 Tue, 11/14/2017 - 01:52
Saudi Escalation: Lebanon and Yemen in the Crosshairs Thu, 11/09/2017 - 19:57 Thu, 11/09/2017 - 20:00
The Greatest Threat to Both Koreas? Donald Trump’s Mouth. Thu, 11/09/2017 - 05:57 Thu, 11/09/2017 - 06:08
Ron Paul interviews Joe Lauria on Deconstructing ‘Russia-Gate’ Wed, 11/08/2017 - 21:15 Wed, 11/08/2017 - 21:36
So Picketing the White House Doesn’t Work? Wed, 11/08/2017 - 00:29 Wed, 11/08/2017 - 15:12
Ducks Lining Up: Saudi, Israeli, US Moves On Iran, Lebanon Tue, 11/07/2017 - 19:55 Tue, 11/07/2017 - 20:00
Nuclear First Strike: Is It Constitutional, Is It Lawful, Is It Just? Tue, 11/07/2017 - 01:03 Tue, 11/07/2017 - 01:20
How Economists Helped End the Draft: David Henderson at Adrian College in Michigan Nov. 9 Tue, 11/07/2017 - 00:41 Tue, 11/07/2017 - 00:48
Ron Paul on Trump in Asia: Diplomacy or Sabre-Rattling? Mon, 11/06/2017 - 23:07 Tue, 11/07/2017 - 04:32
The American Conservative Forum Mulls US Foreign Policy in the Trump Era Mon, 11/06/2017 - 19:33 Mon, 11/06/2017 - 20:00
State Department’s New Victoria Nuland… Is Just Like the Old Victoria Nuland! Sun, 11/05/2017 - 01:00 Sun, 11/05/2017 - 01:20
Rep. John Duncan: No Conservative Should Support Staying in Afghanistan Thu, 11/02/2017 - 14:26 Thu, 11/02/2017 - 14:36
Statement on Setback for HCR 81 To Stop US Support of Saudi War on Yemen Thu, 11/02/2017 - 05:12 Thu, 11/02/2017 - 05:32
The Definition of American Insanity by William J. Astore Wed, 11/01/2017 - 22:54 Wed, 11/01/2017 - 23:08
From the Ground Up by Kathy Kelly Wed, 11/01/2017 - 20:01 Wed, 11/01/2017 - 20:28
Ron Paul on Tragic Horrors… From New York To Yemen Wed, 11/01/2017 - 18:43 Wed, 11/01/2017 - 18:52
The Congressman Who Has Sent Thousands of Letters to Families of US Troops Killed in Wars Wed, 11/01/2017 - 04:08 Wed, 11/01/2017 - 04:28
Politicians Need To Answer War Questions Tue, 10/31/2017 - 19:32 Tue, 10/31/2017 - 19:56
Do We Need A New War Authorization? Tue, 10/31/2017 - 19:11 Tue, 10/31/2017 - 19:24
Ron Paul on NATO Threatens Turkey… Tue, 10/31/2017 - 01:42 Tue, 10/31/2017 - 01:48
Trump Talks About the Military as if It’s His Praetorian Guard Mon, 10/30/2017 - 03:35 Mon, 10/30/2017 - 03:56
Congress Passes ‘Harshest’ Sanctions On North Korea… And The People Suffer Thu, 10/26/2017 - 20:27 Thu, 10/26/2017 - 20:52
Nobel Peace Prize Goes to Abolitionists While US Conducts Nuclear War Games Thu, 10/26/2017 - 01:42 Thu, 10/26/2017 - 02:12
Pentagon Expands ‘Terror War’ To Africa: Where Is Congress? Tue, 10/24/2017 - 19:11 Tue, 10/24/2017 - 19:16
CIA in Afghanistan: Operation Phoenix Redux? Tue, 10/24/2017 - 17:41 Tue, 10/24/2017 - 18:12
Ron Paul on Cold War Returned: B-52s Back On ‘Ready Alert’ Mon, 10/23/2017 - 22:41 Mon, 10/23/2017 - 23:00
I Am a Designated Nonsurvivor Mon, 10/23/2017 - 03:10 Mon, 10/23/2017 - 03:16
Opening More Channels in US-North Korea Relations Fri, 10/20/2017 - 22:27 Fri, 10/20/2017 - 22:28