Penny for your thoughts

Feed Items

Title Publish date Imported
Alt-Media: Debunking The Dogma Wed, 03/04/2020 - 14:37 Wed, 03/04/2020 - 21:00
Have Turkey and Russia Made A Deal Regarding Airspace Acess over Idlib ? Tue, 03/03/2020 - 15:42 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 22:08
Birth Pangs of the New Middle East Sitrep: Russia, Syria, Turkey, US, EU etc., Mon, 03/02/2020 - 23:37 Mon, 03/02/2020 - 23:52
"Is Erdogan Fighting to Preserve Territory of Turkey After Assad Cut a Deal with Russia and US?" Sun, 03/01/2020 - 22:39 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 12:32
Talking About Idlib With Hubby Today... Updates Inc. Sun, 03/01/2020 - 01:21 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 12:32
Idlib Updates: Strawmen, Ridicule and Blood Lust Not Included. Sat, 02/29/2020 - 16:34 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 12:32
Erdogan, Putin Try To Calm Tensions After Troop Deaths Sat, 02/29/2020 - 00:54 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 12:32
"The threat of a Russia-Turkey-NATO hot war over Idlib is a godsend for US foreign policy" Fri, 02/28/2020 - 13:20 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 12:32
Russia/ Turkey Meetings Outcomes Unknown. Russia and Turkey Bombing One Another? Or Just More Spin? Fri, 02/28/2020 - 00:25 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 12:32
Russian and Turkish forces run new joint patrol in rural Al-Darbasiyah Thu, 02/27/2020 - 20:59 Thu, 02/27/2020 - 21:16
Psyop! Erdogan and Putin Not Meeting March 5, Was There a Meeting Actually Set For This Date? Thu, 02/27/2020 - 13:26 Thu, 02/27/2020 - 14:52
Coronavirus Case of Unknown Origin in California- Markets Spooked Thu, 02/27/2020 - 12:08 Thu, 02/27/2020 - 14:52
Russia Slams US Statement About Reaching an Agreement With Jihadists In Idlib Wed, 02/26/2020 - 15:50 Wed, 02/26/2020 - 16:00
Apple Engineer Killed in Tesla SUV crash on Silicon Valley Freeway While Playing Videogame Wed, 02/26/2020 - 12:59 Wed, 02/26/2020 - 17:40
Event 201: A High Level Coronavirus Pandemic Exercise Oct/2019 Tue, 02/25/2020 - 18:28 Tue, 02/25/2020 - 18:48
Technocracy Hard Sell- Smart Cities for Emergency Management Tue, 02/25/2020 - 12:43 Tue, 02/25/2020 - 18:48
Russia/Turkey Planning New Talks on Idlib- Joint Patrols Continue & US Driving Wedge Between Turkey & Russia Mon, 02/24/2020 - 23:48 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 12:32
Study says coronavirus did not originate in Wuhan seafood market-Stock Markets Dropping on Coronavirus spread Mon, 02/24/2020 - 13:43 Mon, 02/24/2020 - 15:24
Kremlin: Don't Make Negative Predictions About Russian/Turkish ties. Israel Confirm Airstrikes Targeting Syria! Sun, 02/23/2020 - 23:46 Mon, 02/24/2020 - 00:16
“The Limits of Relying on Disagreement Between Moscow, Ankara” Sat, 02/22/2020 - 17:54 Sat, 02/22/2020 - 18:08
Erdogan and Putin Will Speak Today Regarding Idlib (Via Phone) Fri, 02/21/2020 - 14:23 Fri, 02/21/2020 - 17:44
Russia/Turkey To Talk in Ankara Next Week- Russia did NOT Strike Turkish Troops Fri, 02/21/2020 - 12:59 Fri, 02/21/2020 - 14:00
Idlib Media Coverage Hyper Inflated To Prep For US Intervention In Syria? Thu, 02/20/2020 - 23:44 Fri, 02/21/2020 - 12:24
Russia: US Floods NE Syria With Weapons, SDF/PKK's "YAT" Special Ops Trained & Armed by US To Target Turkish Forces Tue, 02/18/2020 - 21:27 Tue, 02/18/2020 - 23:12
Russia, Turkey end 2nd round of Idlib Talks- Turkey Stood Down at Saraqueb & Now M5 Highway Open/Aleppo Airport to Follow Tue, 02/18/2020 - 14:52 Tue, 03/03/2020 - 12:32
Russian, Turkish Military Conduct Patrol in Syria's Hasakah Province Mon, 02/17/2020 - 21:54 Mon, 02/17/2020 - 22:24
In Idlib, Lavrov: ".......Russian and Turkish military, full mutual understanding," Mon, 02/17/2020 - 13:22 Mon, 02/17/2020 - 21:52
Intense Battles For the Mind Are Raging! Turkish/ Russian Dissolution or Adapting to Changing Realities? Sat, 02/15/2020 - 23:27 Sun, 02/16/2020 - 17:04
Securing the M4 and M5 Highways in Syria a Blow to Turkey? Or for US/ Israel & Their "Greater Kurdistan" Plan? Fri, 02/14/2020 - 13:16 Fri, 02/14/2020 - 15:28
Israel Carries Out Airstrikes on Damascus... How many airstrikes to date? Thu, 02/13/2020 - 23:44 Fri, 02/14/2020 - 00:08
Missile Fired At K-1 Base- As American Forces Continue to Occupy Iraq Thu, 02/13/2020 - 23:31 Thu, 02/13/2020 - 23:36
American Forces Kill Anti Occupation/Loyalist in Qamishli Syria- Conduct Round ups with SDF in Deir Ezzor Thu, 02/13/2020 - 00:02 Thu, 02/13/2020 - 12:20
US Looks To Woo Turkey Back Into the Usrael Empire's Anti Syria Fold Wed, 02/12/2020 - 14:54 Wed, 02/12/2020 - 19:12
Idlib's Fake News: Erdogan & Putin Set To Talk. Zone For Refugees Is Likely Outcome Tue, 02/11/2020 - 15:38 Tue, 02/11/2020 - 22:24
The Middle East Conflict You Haven’t Heard About? Mon, 02/10/2020 - 17:42 Tue, 02/11/2020 - 12:12
Was the US "Wrong" About the Base Attack That Nearly Kicked Off A War With Iran? Or Was the US Simply Advancing the Remake? Sun, 02/09/2020 - 14:34 Sun, 02/09/2020 - 17:00
Sitrep: Remaking the Middle East- Israeli Airstrikes, Idlib: Russia and Turkey to Meet, Assassinations and UN Calls Fri, 02/07/2020 - 16:44 Sat, 02/08/2020 - 00:40
Greed-a Thunberg's Nobel Prize Scam. Propaganda Rebrand and a Death Cult Environmentalist Reverend ? Thu, 02/06/2020 - 16:01 Thu, 02/06/2020 - 22:32
JINSA Proposes US Military Forces Transfer from Turkey to Greece and/or Cyprus Wed, 02/05/2020 - 15:42 Wed, 02/05/2020 - 18:04
Pete Buttigieg: Winner of Democratic Caucus in Iowa? Tue, 02/04/2020 - 23:00 Wed, 02/05/2020 - 00:12
"New coronavirus may be no more dangerous than the flu, despite worldwide alarm: experts" Tue, 02/04/2020 - 14:09 Tue, 02/04/2020 - 14:32
Syria/Turkey Conflict? Contradictions Abound. Meanwhile, US Expands Military Presence in Northeastern Syria. Mon, 02/03/2020 - 13:00 Mon, 02/03/2020 - 13:16
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE welcome Trump peace plan Mon, 02/03/2020 - 12:16 Mon, 02/03/2020 - 12:44
Greed-a Thunberg CAPITALIZES on Cult Status Trademarking “ Friday’s for Future” Sun, 02/02/2020 - 00:30 Sun, 02/02/2020 - 15:52
Fed Holds Interest Rate Steady, AFFIRMS COMMITMENT TO HIGHER INFLATION Thu, 01/30/2020 - 23:51 Fri, 01/31/2020 - 00:20
Syrian Army captures Maaret al-Numan, strategic M5 highway in Idlib- Russian Military Save RT Correspondent Thu, 01/30/2020 - 16:58 Thu, 01/30/2020 - 17:24
ISIS Sleeper Cell Attacks In Kirkuk, Twice in Just One Week. Thu, 01/30/2020 - 13:34 Thu, 01/30/2020 - 23:16
Brain Networks Allowing For More Complex Cognitive and Social Development Become Active During the Teen Years Wed, 01/29/2020 - 23:37 Thu, 01/30/2020 - 00:00
Stupid is As Stupid Does “ Genetically Modified “Self Limiting” Moths Successfully Released? Wed, 01/29/2020 - 23:19 Wed, 01/29/2020 - 23:28
British Petroleum Pulls Out of Iraq's Giant Kirkuk Oilfield Tue, 01/28/2020 - 23:54 Wed, 01/29/2020 - 00:00