The Zika Virus Scam: Zika Fear Falters As False Flag Fraud Fizzles

I have come under some attack for my postings about this fraud Zika virus scare mongering that still is making the rounds via the Jew spew media outlets.... Many have commentated that my previous reports linked to Jon Rappoport who they claim is in the "Alex Jones" camp... I say to them that I do not care where these reports originate if they contain absolute and verifiable truth... And Jon Rappoport has been spot on in looking at this Zika virus "scare" as a fraud and a swindle......Lets make it perfectly clear here... This Zika Virus "scare" is tantamount in this fight against the Jewish criminal elite that wants to enslave us all... I have said for years now that they want to destroy their opponents as well as making their enslaved masses docile and lesser intelligent through their poisonous vaccines.... I have shown in many reports about how these "vaccines" absolutely weaken our immune systems as well as destroy both our brains and our DNA...... There should be no doubt in anyone's minds any more that these vaccines are being used to turn us all into a slave race......Right now, I want to present a most interesting video that comes from James Corbett through his "Corbett reports" that are available readily online... .This one comes courtesy of the Activist Post website, at, and is entitled: "Zika Fear Falters As False Flag Fraud Fizzles"... I have it right here for everyone to view for themselves, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: James Corbett wrote in his own comments associated with this video the following:Zika is a bust. But it's accomplished its mission: $1.8 billion in funding, further trial runs of the medical martial law apparatus in another part of the world, and more adulation for the fearless WHO. Join me for today's thought for the day as we put the Zika hype to rest once and for all (hopefully). I could not agree more... That $1.8 Billion committed by the US government for "fighting" this non-existent "epidemic" will be used to allow Big Pharma which of course is controlled by the criminal Jewish elite to produce more of their "vaccines" for the destruction of their opposition....Again, there are those critics out there that claim that I put so much focus on subjects such as vaccines, and health issues... I say to them that these issues are just as important as the wars for Israel taking place across the globe and shows how the criminal's sick and twisted plan for world domination takes many forms including attacking our bodies and our minds via their chemicals and vaccines.....Therefore these reports will indeed continue...More to comeNTS