The Zika Virus Scam: Biggest News Service In America Absolutely Clueless!

I am staying on top of this "Zika virus" fear mongering that continues to fill the Jew spew media and obviously diverts peoples' attention away from other critical issues such as the collapsing economy.... I have stated many times that the criminals in charge definitely want to use any scare tactics possible so that they can get their gullible citizens to clamor for a "cure" aka a new "vaccine" to prevent them from getting this "disease"... The fact is that these monsters want to weaken our immune systems and destroy our minds through the chemicals in their "vaccines"...... I have said that is exactly why they have this "Zika virus" fear mongering and I have yet to be proven wrong or otherwise.....Periodically something does come up that blows holes in the "official" stories that the Jew spew media promotes and shows that someone is lying... Well, according to the following report, from Jon Rappoport, through the Infinite Unknown website, at, it appears that the biggest news service in the United States, Associated Press (AP) has been caught in giving some truthful evidence that the fear mongering about this Zika Virus outbreak is indeed a scam..... Here is the link to that report from Infinite Unknown, that of course contains Jon's own report entitled: "Biggest News Service In America Absolutely Clueless" enclosed... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: Well, well... It again appears that even the liars do periodically get caught red handed in their lies, and the Associated Press actually did not realize that when they filed this report, they exposed the fact that the "brain shrinkage" disease that the criminals are trying to promote through this "Zika virus" scare is a fraud.....Yes, the fear mongering behind this "Zika virus" outbreak appears to be false and nothing more than propaganda to try to get gullible people so scared that they will blindly line up and accept the latest and greatest "vaccine" that the criminals will of course introduce very soon to "combat" this "epidemic"....And sadly, too many suckers will indeed fall for this....I again see something sinister behind this entire scam.... I look at one factor being indeed the want to poison our bodies through vaccines, but there may be something more, and a factor that few are talking about indeed may center around Brazil itself... The fact is that Brazil has turned away from their "American/Israeli" masters and controllers and has joined the Russian/Chinese BRICS countries initiative to defeat the US dollar world wide hegemony and possibly free the nation itself from US control... I do believe that this "Zika Virus" outbreak may indeed be part of a most nefarious plan to ruin Brazil especially with the fact that this summer Rio De Janeiro is going to host the 2016 Summer Olympic Games... Brazil has so much at stake especially with the billions of dollars it has already invested in projects for that event and the billions expected in tourism revenue expected to be generated by these games... The Zika Virus "scare" could indeed destroy these games by preventing both athletes and spectators from going to Brazil......  Yes, the US/Israel criminal empire is "pissed off" at Brazil for turning away from their control, and they could indeed be using this Zika Virus "outbreak" as a scare tactic to ruin the nation.....As we have seen in the past with so many "false flags" and other nefarious actions to destroy so many nations around the planet by the criminal US/Israel cabal, it would not be a stretch that these monsters are indeed working through this fraud "epidemic" to indeed destroy Brazil.....Again, as more reports come forward exposing the truth about this fraud Zika Virus "epidemic", I will present them here for everyone to see for themselves... Stay tuned...More to comeNTS