Yet Another False Flag Shooting In America: What We Have (So Far) About This Latest "Shooting" In Orlando Florida!

Earlier today I was writing my weekend rant, and I came across the latest news out of America of yet another "shooting"... This time it was at a GAY (what a coinky-dink) nightclub in Orlando Florida.... As of right now as I am typing this report, the Jew spew media is all over the place with their reporting of this shooting, claiming that there are some "50 dead" and many others wounded... And of course the liars in the media are "on top" of the alleged shooter, claiming that it is once again a "lone gunman" and he is a MUSLIM (imagine my shock..) as well!There is so much that we have yet to learn about this latest incident, and the facts are still coming in.. But for now I want to put up this article that will definitely be updated for the next few days....First, I do want to present an UPDATED report from Jim Stone, at, who of course is labeling this "shooting" as a fraud from the very start... This of course comes courtesy of his website: Jim Stone Freelance.... Here is Jim's take on this incident:June 11 2016Orlando must be the king of night club shootings, because THREE happened on recent Sunday nights and that caused a pile of confusion with this. People are pursuing the crisis actor/drill angle with this. I have not looked into it yet because I made a mistake and wasted time. I will say this: Is it not interesting that this happened right in the middle of the Bilderberg meetings? I am still working on this one and will no doubt burn the airtime off the modem. Hmm, remember one of the other shootings, where the shooter's dad was running for President in an arab state? Well, this also got reported in relation to this latest "shooting", that the shooter's dad was running for President in Afghanistan. That is too coincidental, I think the same idiotic psy op team or AI was in charge of this shooting as well. I don't believe this was anything but staged, real blood or not.Wait a minute: Why were so many of the injured paraded down the exact same path in front of the cameras? Just like Nick Vogt, who went back and forth in front of the cameras FIVE TIMES with his legs blown off, rather than straight to an ambulance. Now it is looking fishy.

Here is a big one: If you youtube "pulse nightclub orlando" you will see that people constantly make cell phone recordings in the crowd. Yet not one cell phone video of this shooting starting from the crowd in the night club has surfaced yet. That is not by itself proof of a hoax, but it does look suspicious.

At any rate, I can at least post the following portion of my original report (it survived my mistakes) while I sort things out, and I'd also like to say that if whoever staged this thought it would do any good, all it will really do is increase support for Trump.One thing to consider about where they took the Orlando night club shooting:Is it not interesting that it serves Obama's gay agenda and Obama's gun control agenda in one event? And in the new story the guy shows up with an ASSAULT RIFLE? Why are all these attacks gun attacks? When are we going to finally see a variation in the official story, such as "Man pumps up Weed-B-Gone sprayer full of gas and flame throws night club?" Come on now, the "assault rifle" meme is getting a little bit repetitive. Assault rifles are really not the norm among gun owners, why is it always THAT? And if anything did happen at that night club and it is not all a false flag, it was almost certainly an MK patsy Too bad the singing did not go so well at the mosque. Time to comb craigslist for "gigs" and look for terror training drills in Orlando. Yep. That again.Ok, so we have a patsy and an escaped controller. The handler escaped, early reports said there were two people, and now they have dropped to one.  That would be because the patsy was set up by the handler, people witnessed two people, (the handler got noticed) and now they have to drop the handler out of the news because he needs to get back to Israel. Just like I said in the first paragraph: SAME OLD SAME OLD, CREATIVITY IS A PERPETUAL FAIL NOW. Just always assault rifles and suicide vests. They can't have a pissed off homosexual singer in the mix if they want a war on Islam to proceed.I see this crap and say OH, not another one. Same story. Bat Man. Sandy Hook. San Bernardino. The "art festival". Orlando. Patsy dead.Oh, and their variance this time I guess was that instead if innocent children getting shot BY AN ASSAULT RIFLE, it was the poor little GAYS. Yep, they are the victim now, No one can ridicule anymore because THEY ARE THE VICTIMS and gee, if you hate gays, you will go shoot up a night club the way ISIS(tm) did. Yep. Milk it 500 ways. You can bet they will use this to silence anyone who is against the gay agenda.I'll believe it is real and not pre planned when someone takes out a synagogue over the high holidays. That is something they would NEVER set up.Oh, how cool! He was "ISIS" and he attacked the GAYS with a SUICIDE VEST and ASSAULT RIFLE. So if you are anti-gay, you are just like ISIS and you are a potential terrorist. That is how they play this crap. . . . .wait for it.

What they will try to get from this: 1. Hate crimes legislation. 2. Increased surveillance. 3. A gun ban. 4. An increased hatred for Muslims, thus justifying more wars, all the while the other head of the hydra talks "tolerance" to bury the fact that the hydra hatched it out of practically thin air.

NTS Note: And... I also want to present another report from a fellow real truth seeker, "Aangirfan" who of course writes his blog at This one is entitled: "Orlando Shooting False Flag?", and I have that report right here for everyone to see for themselves:

Sunday, 12 June 2016


..."This event was purely a staged psyop and one classic sign of the faux nature of the attack lies in the striking absence of emergency medical responders at the scene..."According to CNN an off duty police officer was working security at the Pulse nightclub and quote 'engaged the shooter as he entered the club' but despite this the killer was still able to walk inside."The Orlando Nightclub 'Attack'Who gains?Donald J. Trump gains  @realDonaldTrumpHorrific incident in FL. Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?4:45 PM - 12 Jun 2016     Donald J. Trump gainsAppreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism.I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!9:43 am - 12 Jun 2016Omar - gay?The suspect is Omar Mateen.Omar Mateen's ex-wife says of Omar:"He was violent and mentally unstable"He wasn't very religious and worked out at the gym often. "She said in the few months they were married he gave no signs of having fallen under the sway of radical Islam. "She said he owned a small-caliber handgun and worked as a guard at a nearby facility for juvenile delinquents."Omar Mateen worked for G4S.G4S, like ISIS, is alleged to have links to the CIA.NTS Notes:  OK, lets not beat around the bush with this one... The timing, location, and even the alleged "shooter" himself points directly to this being a set up and absolutely a false flag... The question that everyone should be asking is of course: "Qui Bono?" or in English: "Who Benefits?" from this shooting....  We have of course:(a) The pro Gun grabbing lobby in America that wants to disarm all Americans and therefore make them helpless when the Jewish criminals that control that nation finally put everyone under their control and into a police state... The unarmed citizens will be unable to fight back...(b) The people who "hate Muslims" and want to see America fighting perpetual wars against Israel's primary enemies, the Muslim nations that the criminal state of Israel borders... Having the "shooter" being a 'radical Muslim' fits the American government's wishes so nicely....(c) The Gay and Lesbian freaks that will look at this "shooting" as a "hate crime" and thus have their favourite Homosexual, Barry Soetoro, now push for more laws to give them "rights" when they absolutely should have none.....The facts are that this "shooting" could not have come at a more opportune time for these groups and even that freak of nature, Hillary "Killary" Clinton, who is now (sadly) the Democratic candidate for President of the United States this November, and will definitely use this fraud "shooting" as one of her platforms against Donald Drumpf, and will push the disarming of the American people....Yes, everything about this newest shooting stinks to high heaven... We must be diligent and make sure that the real facts are presented and the truth gets out to everyone.... I will be sending further updates of this latest false flag when that information does arise... Stay tuned...Definitely more to comeNTS*One quick update... Supposedly the initial reports stated that witnesses saw more than ONE gunman in the nightclub.. That means a second gunman and blows this entire episode to high heaven.. But now apparently the Jew spew media and even JEW run Google is censoring these initial reports to create the false impression that all of these shootings were done by ONE man... Yes, 100+ people shot by ONE gunman with some "50" killed!*UPDATE #2: NOW I am convinced this is indeed a false flag and a set up... According to reports coming directly from the Jew spew media, apparently this "'gunman" made a 911 call and supposedly..and get this... he pledged his 'ALLEGIANCE' to ISIS !   Read it right here: you cannot make this stuff up and that alone proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that this was indeed a massive set up... What better way to get the US now more "involved" in the fraudulent war against their own agents in that fraud "ISIS" than to push the idea that an ISIS TERRORIST was responsible for this "attack".... And watch now as the gullible American people swallow this bullshit and commit themselves blindly to the fight against the fraud of ISIS!