Yes, The Supreme Court Actually Did Something Good Yesterday-- Bye-Bye Republican Conversion Therapy

Ted Lieu-- leading the way, not following safely from behindYesterday, in light of the horrendous rulings against organized labor and against a woman's right to Choice, was a strange day for a progressive to congratulate the Supreme Court. California state Senator Ted Lieu didn't agree with either of those decisions, of course. He found himself very much in accord with the statement issued by the Congressional Progressive Caucus right after the decision was handed down on Hobby Lobby:

"Today’s decision is a step backwards for women’s rights in America. The Roberts’ Court consistently rules in favor of corporations and today’s decision allows executives to interfere with a woman’s health care decisions."A woman's personal health choices, including family planning, are not her boss’ business. Denial of contraceptive coverage will require women to pay more for health care-- nearly 60% of women who use birth control cite non-contraceptive reasons for taking it. "While the ruling accepts the importance of other medical care screenings, it neglects the importance of family planning and the rights of women to make choices without interference from employers. Employee health decisions should never be made by corporate executives, no matter what the circumstance."

No that was certainly not why Ted was praising the Supreme Court yesterday. It was another matter, one that most people aren't aware of but that is crucial in the lives on some: the Republicans' sick gay reparative conversion therapy. Ted wrote and passed the first bill in the country banning it-- and the far right sued and went to the Supreme Court. Yesterday the justices told them to stuff it, agreeing with the 2013 decision of the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding Ted's Senate Bill. His model legislation, which is being looked at by Democrats all over the country now and has already passed the New Jersey legislature, prohibits mental health professionals and therapists from engaging in so-called "conversion therapy," which, as Ted described it, "was the baseless attempt to change the sexual orientation of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender children." Ted:

"The Supreme Court has cement shut any possible opening to allow further psychological child abuse in California. The Court’s refusal to accept the appeal of extreme ideological therapists who practice the quackery of gay conversion therapy is a victory for child welfare, science and basic humane principles. Those who oppose letting children be what they were born to be can no longer claim that the law infringes the free speech rights of therapists who wish to engage in these dangerous and long-discredited practices." "My law can now be fully enforced as passed by the California Legislature and signed by Gov. Jerry Brown. Today we once again reaffirm the truth that being lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender is the beautiful realization of what it means to be a human being. "I look forward to more states joining California and New Jersey in adopting similar pro-family measures and helping to protect our children."

Ted isn't a big tooter of his own horn and his astounding record of accomplishments in the California Assembly and state Senate aren't known outside of the state. Like the banning of conversion therapy, his bills to protect consumers from mortgage banksters and to protect us all from unconstitutional NSA spying have been model bill across the country. If you'd like to help make sure Ted gets into Congress-- instead of the Republican that Sheldon Adelson is heavily financing-- please consider contributing here.