World War III For Dummies: A Great "Tomato Bubble" Report!

As I stated yesterday, the United States government is now working hard with the laughable Mossad agents that run the group known as SITE  in producing fake "beheading" videos at an ever increasing rate... These psychotic criminals are now "going for broke" in trying to convince a more skeptical American public that "something must be done" about this non-existent and laughable "ISIS/ISIL threat".   It is so ridiculous to see so many people being treated as gullible saps for falling for these incessant lies....I was in a coffee shop just the other day and I was alarmed by what I was hearing.. One table next to me had some young people actually talking about this sudden "Muslim threat", and several were talking about the James Foley/ Steven Sotloff fraud "beheadings" as though they were real... I was especially shocked by the language as several made comments that it was those "damn Arabs" and "Insane Muslims" that were to blame for all the worlds' woes (!).... I did not pipe in, but sat there in shock with the realization that even up here in Canada so many people are brainwashed by the massive lies of our media and government... I left the shop with a sick feeling in my stomach that ALL of my efforts and the efforts of others is going to waste because we cannot reach the sheep with the truth!For right now, I want to present a link to a fabulous article that comes courtesy of the Tomato Bubble website, at This article is an absolute gem and summarizes exactly what is happening right now with this fraud "ISIS/ISIL" threat along with the buildup to war with Syria and even possibly World War III.   The article is entitled: "World War III For Dummies" and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  This article is a must to be spread around to everyone... We must do our best to get the message out to everyone and hopefully to reach some of those who have been severely brainwashed by the lies of our media and government...The only things that I could possibly add to this article is the fact that the fraud "ISIS/ISIL" group is of course heavily armed and supplied directly by the United States, and has been thoroughly trained by the Israeli Mossad and American CIA....  One dead giveaway that this "ISIS/ISIL: group is a phoney is the fact that this group has ABSOLUTELY NOT THREATENED ISRAEL IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM!    The fact is again that the true evil in the Middle East is the psychotic state of Israel and those monsters living in that hell hole have targeted and slaughtered Muslims for decades now... That alone should have any so called "Islamic terrorist" group having Israel directly in their bulls-eye, and yet we find this "ISIS/ISIL" fraud absolutely NOT threatening Israel?   Wake up people!Yes, the psychotic and very criminal US President is pushing for a new regional war in the Middle East to please his Jewish masters... It is up to all of us to put a stop to him and his insane hawks in Washington before these maniacs escalate any conflict into World War III......More to comeNTS