Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
British writers on peace and war
William Shakespeare: Selections on war and peace
William Shakespeare: Blessed is the peacemaker
William Shakespeare: Contumelious, beastly, mad-brained war
William Shakespeare: Death of twenty thousand men for fantasy and fame
William Shakespeare: Enrich the time to come with smooth-faced peace
William Shakespeare: Naked, poor, mangled peace, dear nurse of arts, plenties, joyful births
William Shakespeare: Never a war did cease…with such a peace
William Shakespeare: Nor more shall trenching war channel her fields, bruise her flowerets
William Shakespeare: O bloody times. When lions war, sons kill fathers, fathers sons
William Shakespeare: O war, thou son of hell
Shakespeare: On driving a husband to none-sparing war
William Shakespeare: Out of speech of peace into harsh tongue of war
Shakespeare: So inured to war that mothers smile as their children are slain
William Shakespeare: Soldier, a creature that I teach to fight
William Shakespeare: Take heed how you awake our sleeping sword of war
William Shakespeare: Tame the savage spirit of wild war
William Shakespeare: War’s exactions
William Shakespeare: Works of poetry outlast the works of war