Will Trump Really Stoke Civil War Sentiments To Avoid Impeachment?

I can't say I never met Roger Stone. This photo says otherwise... but I never really met him, in as much as having had a conversation with him. But Roger seems to have come to a similar conclusion that I came to about Charlottesville. That whole incident, from the Nazis and Klan members marching around with tiki-torches, to the militias surrounding the city's synagogue while brandishing AKA 47s, to the murder of a young woman, to Trumpanzee himself signaling his approval by announcing they are "fine people" and that "both sides" were responsible, was meant to warn the country-- Jews first and foremost-- that Trump isn't going quietly, no matter what Mueller finds on him. There will be blood in the streets, shot up synagogues, lots of dead people and, quite possibly, a real civil war. That was my interpretation of what happened from the very first incidents on that fateful Friday night.Now with new polling confirming that most of the country was sickened by Trump's ugly encouragement of the Klan and the Nazis, Roger Stone was crowing on TMZ Thursday that there would be civil war if Congress impeaches Trumpanzee. He predicted "insurrection... Try to impeach him. Just try it," he warned. "You will have a spasm of violence in this country, an insurrection like you’ve never seen." He also warned Members of Congress that anyone who votes to impeach Señor Trumpanzee "would be endangering their own life."Presumably, there will be no impeachment debate in Congress until the Democrats win back the House and oust Ryan as Speaker. If that happens, new members like Doug Applegate (CA-49) will be the deciding factor. I didn't ask him how he would vote on impeachment but I did ask him if he feels intimidated by Roger Stone's threats. "The racism and bigotry," he responded, "are exactly what my father and my father's generation fought, bled and died to wipe off the face of the Earth. I promise that alt-right neo-nazis Shall Have No Quarter. Scores of people came forward to tell me their families’ stories of sacrifice fighting against Nazis during WWII. People nationwide are clearly looking for strong leaders, ready to keep their promises, and fight for our American values. Let me tell you something, my Old Man’s words would’ve taken the paint off a battleship in answering the President's observation that 'fine people' marched side by side with swastikas in Charlottesville. I  also know my father would say that we need a Congress that will do their job and stand up to this President without being intimidated. Clearly, Darrell Issa is not up to that task. I’ll make another promise to you, I hear you and I will have your back."I asked Randy Bryce the same question but he couldn't stop laughing long enough to answer. "I laugh loudly every time I see that picture," he said referring to the snapshot up top.