Why Is THIS Not The Most Important News In Canada? Total News Blackout In Canada - People Vrs Central Bank!

Living here in Canada (Which more and more I am calling Canuckleheadistan these days) I am truly dismayed and angered by the inability of the Canuckleheads here that refuse to see how much this country, that used to pride itself on being one of the most free nations on the planet, has now fallen under the yoke of tyranny... Just last week for example, the criminal Harper regime signed off on new "legislation" that will give the Canadian crooked "spy" organizations greater powers to spy and put the Canadian public under scrutiny and surveillance.   It is astounding that this nation is now no longer free but is definitely under the rule of a truly criminal dictatorship of crooks and thieves....I came across a video just the other day from the Investment Watchdog Blog (www.investmentwatchblog.com)that is probably one of the most important videos that every single Canadian should see..... It shows clearly that the Jew spew media here in Canada is working in cahoots with the criminal Harper regime in keeping the information presented in this video away from the Canadian public!... The video is entitled: "Update: COMER Vrs BOC (Bank of Canada) January, 2015" and I have it right here for everyone, and especially those living here in Canada to see for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comment to follow:NTS Notes: I was NOT even aware of this lawsuit by the good people behind the Committee On Monetary and Economic Reform (COMER) against the crooks that now run the Bank of Canada.....It is amazing indeed, and I am surely crossing my fingers that this group wins its lawsuit and forces the issue of that crooked privately owned central bank onto the Canadian public.It is painfully obvious that the Jews that run the Canadian media are working hand in hand with their controlled minions in the Canadian government in suppressing this important information from the Canadian people... It is obvious that if more Canadians were actually aware of the truth about how criminal their own banking system works, there would be hell to pay..... It is a fact that before the Jewish banksters got their clutches into the Canadian banks and turned it into a private central bank that issued the people of Canada's money at INTEREST, that Canada was indeed one of the wealthiest and prosperous nations on Earth.... It is a FACT that after 1974, everything in this nation changed....Before 1974, Canada had absolutely ZERO accumulated debt (This is fact, and sadly few Canadians even realize this...), but after the change in the Bank of Canada "act" that came about in 1974, the Canadian government was forced to borrow its money at "interest" from these crooks and the accumulated debt incurred on this nation began to skyrocket... Few Canadians even realize that the accumulated debt went from zero in 1974 to around a TRILLION dollars today!  41 years of private central banking has destroyed this nation and left the people with a debt load that is impossible to pay.....I have noted the destruction of this nation over the last 41 years thanks to the Jew run private banking cartels... Here in central Canada before 1974 when I was a young lad, I did note the amount of industry and manufacturing that went on right here... It seemed that nobody was impoverished and there was almost zero unemployment... But again, everything changed since 1974 and right now this nation has almost zilch for true manufacturing and industry and there is intense poverty and unemployment everywhere!  Is it related to the rising and crushing effect of accumulated debt incurred by the crooks in our banks and government?  What do you think????I do also wonder if there is a correlation between the passage of the changes to the Bank of Canada act in 1974 and the same year the introduction of the fraud Canadian "hate crime" laws... I do believe they are related indirectly, for now if anyone here in this nation understands that the crooks behind the private "Bank of Canada" are all Jewish, they can be charged with a crime under the fraud "hate crime" legislation.... The criminals knew exactly what they were doing in getting themselves protected from the wraith of the Canadian public if they are ever exposed, indeed!I do applaud the efforts of COMER and hopefully this video and their other information about their fight against the crooks behind the Canadian fraud Bank of Canada is shown to as many Canadians as possible... Spread the word, everyone...More to comeNTS