WHY Is THIS NOT Making The News: Total Cost For Russian Involvement And Winning In Syrian Intervention For 5 Months Was ONLY $460 Million!

It is so amazing as to how much it has cost the United States of America for its constant wars of aggression around the world... For example, the US is still tallying its outrageous cost for their nice little war and invasion of Iraq in 2003.  Some estimates have that illegal invasion and subsequent occupation of that innocent nation for over a decade at around $2 TRILLION dollars plus... And of course we have that nice little war and invasion of Afghanistan from 2001, until the US finally agreed to "withdraw" from that innocent nation as well just last year, at just over a TRILLION dollars as well... Yes, American wars of aggression are not cheap, and the sucker American public has been footing the bill for their empire while the American nation crumbles and disintegrates internally...But something caught my eye this last week, and I am truly shocked that this report has not gone ballistic over both the mainstream Jew spew media as well as the alternative media... For according to this report from the Russian Tass news online agency, at www.tass.ru, it has been revealed that the overall cost of Russia's involvement in saving Syria from the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal has been ONLY $460 Million!  This is indeed shocking news, and I have the link to that Tass news report right here for everyone to read it for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:http://tass.ru/en/politics/863079NTS Notes: WHY am I not shocked by this report?  It should be apparent to everyone from reading this report that the Russians did run a most efficient intervention in Syria that was absolutely NOT a waste to the Russian nation... The effort for saving Syria from the scoundrels that have wanted it destroyed was worth it...Obviously....Yes, wars are NOT cheap, and by now most everyone must be aware that the old saying is true..."Wars are indeed the Jew's Harvest".... And that is so true if you consider that the Jews run the banks that finance the military industrial complex for running their nice little global conflicts...But apparently, the Russians can fight and win a conflict for a small fraction of the cost that Americans have been spending on their wars that are still ongoing and in most cases the American military is being beaten....This is also a slap in the face for the US military itself that has the gall for this year to ask for a military budget of almost $1 TRILLION for weapons, and machines, that in most cases are a waste of time and do not work (The atrocious F35 fighter aircraft comes to mind...) but also is still fighting and losing wars that are bleeding the American taxpayers to death.... The bottom line is the American public should be asking themselves WHY it is costing the American people BILLIONS per month for wars that the US is illegally involved in and losing, when the Russians can fight and win a conflict for pennies on the dollar?  The answer is apparent... The American military machine is over bloated, and a horrendous waste of money, and investigations should be conducted to find out and reveal the truth as to why...More to comeNTS