Why Is THIS Not The Major Headline Everywhere?: Russia Confirms US Is Absolutely Behind The Fraud Of ISIS!

As I said before, I am busy with home renovation projects and will fire off new articles as much as possible when I have a break.... And right now I have a bit of time to fire off this most important article, and it is an absolute bombshell!For years now, I have been calling the so called 'terrorist group' that is known as "ISIS" a massive fraud... I have stated and shown clear evidence for years that this "terrorist group" is in fact nothing more than a group of operatives and mercenaries, primarily US CIA agents as well as Israeli Mossad agents, and is out there as a propaganda stunt to strike fear into gullible people as well as to perpetuate the phoney "war on terror"..... It has been so sad to see how the sheep out there are nothing but pure suckers and idiots and do not apply one iota of critical thinking skills when they hear and see the Jew spew propaganda machine constantly spew the lies of "ISIS did this" or "ISIS did that".... As a result the generated and fraud fear factor fills their minds and many actually have fallen for the stupid notion that "ISIS is going to get you"..... Our own criminal governments have indeed used this phoney "terrorist threat" so well against their own citizens and the effect on gullible people that they will surrender their basic freedoms for the fraud of "security from terrorists" goes beyond these criminals' wildest dreams!Well, just today I found the following report, that comes from the Fort Russ website, at www.fort-russ.com, to be a full vindication of what I have been saying for years about the fraud of "ISIS"... For according to the following report, apparently the Russians have recorded actual incidents where "Black" Helicopters were caught dropping supplies to these phoney "ISIS" forces in Afghanistan and other central Asian states!   Here is the link to that report here, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:https://www.fort-russ.com/2018/08/major-development-moscow-records-nato-airspace-weapons-drop-to-isis-by-black-helicopters/NTS Notes: WHY am I not in the least bit surprised by the findings in this important report?I have said for years that people need to wake the fuck up and stop with believing all of the Jew spew propaganda bullshit in regards to these "terrorists" and the entire 'war on terror'.... .There are in fact NO real 'terrorists' that are out to "get you" when the reality is that the US and the psychotic state of Israel ARE the REAL terrorists!Lets face the facts here... These 'air drops' of supplies to these fraud "terrorist groups" is nothing new... I have already written so many articles at this blog exposing the fact that in every case where the fraud of "ISIS" has operated across Syria as well as Iraq, there were constant reports of US helicopters and other airplanes making massive weapons and supply drops to that group.....Therefore this report is just one in a long line of reports that expose the facts that ISIS is and always has been a sham and a fraud...Just as a reminder in fact, here is a video from November 2015 that shows clearly an ISIS "convoy" moving rapidly across Iraqi territory with an American Apache helicopter off in the near distance SUPPORTING the convoy!   Just watch this and weep you ISIS believers:Well, there you have it... Even more proof that the fraud of "ISIS" is exactly that... A fraud!... I again am still shocked that people do not get it, and I can only turn my head in disgust when I hear and watch the Jew spew media continue to push their phoney propaganda about this sham...More to comeNTS