Why the International Airport of Tripoli Closed for 3 Days

TweetUpdate Libya -July 14, 2014 - Direct From a Libyan National
Why the International Airport of Tripoli Closed down for three days .
We all know that Libya after the illegal war in 2011 is NOT the great success as declared by Obama but is a failed state that is a fact. What the Western Media neglects to report is that all Libyans are struggling against the ISLAMIC EXTREMISTS brought in by NATO, F.UK.US, QATAR, U.A.E. and SAUDI ARABIA. Before I conclude this article about the closing of the International airport of Tripoli, I would like to reiterate for my readers what has happened since the end of the ILLEGAL War up to and including today's incident.
The Israeli agreement signed and sealed by the phony entity NTC (National Transitional Council), which was put in place by NATO and F.UK.US to rule Libya forever. This document gave the Mossad a permanent base of operations in the green mountain area of Libya. When I first tweeted this document other reporters (I do not claim to be a reporter just an activist and a fighter for the liberation of my country from the colonization done illegally by the west) tried to mock me by saying it is a false document and No Western Media has published it therefore, it does not exist. This agreement was signed in Afghanistan. Here is the link which confirms: "The tribe’s security got this document from their people inside and I believe it came out of Afghanistan.” The document is written in Hebrew and is an agreement between the NATO puppet rebels and Israel. The agreement stated that Israel will arm and train the rebels until they take over Libya at which time Israel will be allowed to build a military base in the green mountain area in the east of Libya."Israel-involvement-fake-revolution. All of these conditions are being met and the location has been secured for Israel.
We the Libyan people are a very straight forward people. We were never fanatics about religion or politics. What we desire is security for our family, a good job, a home we could call our own and the ability to travel abroad. This we had before NATO blew up our country. So what changed? Well the Illegal war for one, the imported mercenaries from Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, U.A.E, Turkey, Syria, Palestine, Tunis, Algiers, Kuwait, Iraq, Jordan, America, Israel, England and France. Now F.UK.US are using the uneducated-poor in Libya as their patsies because they are cheaper than their own troops. They import these uneducated-poor-mercenaries whenever they want to overthrow a legitimate government. Any Arab country that does not voluntarily comply with the commands of the “one world order” Zionists is invaded. Here is a formal confirmation supporting my earlier statements about the mercenaries who are Al Qaeda: The Database “Shortly before his untimely death, former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook told the House of Commons that “Al Qaeda” is not really a terrorist group but a database of international mujaheddin and arms smugglers used by the CIA and Saudis to funnel guerrillas, arms, and money into Soviet-occupied Afghanistan”. Courtesy of World Affairs, a journal based in New Delhi
The west has plans for us Libyans: Africa is a land mass that is a little more than 3 times the size of the United States. The Africans north and south of Sahara must unite. The permanent tactic of the Europeans in general, and the British, in particular, is to divide and conquer. This is the standard operating procedure of imperialist/Zionists. In Libya, the Zionists had been planning for decades to exploit the traditional Arab Libya. I abhor the Zionist vision of Libya as a racist state. The Zionists envision the creation of Libya as a racist State, in the same way as South Africa was once a racist State. Number one fear of the Zionists has always been the unification all of Africa.
So now you have a better picture of what is happening in Libya. Libya is now being occupied by imported terrorist groups brought in, trained and financed by ISRAEL, USA, FRANCE AND BRITAIN: Al-Qaeda, Muslim Brotherhood, Ansar Sharaia, Misurata/Jewish Racist Rat Brigade and Dias which is under Abdelhakim Belhaj. Belhaj is the only one who is a Libyan but he was in exile because Islamic Extremists were forbidden in Libya under the past regime. Belhaj carries a BRITISH passport and has been caught with many other professionally prepared phony passports. He was living in England when the US decided it was time to sent him back to Libya as a gift to the legitimate Jamahiriya government, but it was a trap. The US used all its influence with the UN to force the Jamahiriya government (for HUMANITARIAN REASONS) to release all prisoners in Libya who were claimed to be political prisoners but were in fact radical Islamist terrorists. All of those released were associated with Al Qaeda, Libyan Islamic fighting group (LIFG), and other extremist groups, all of whom originate from the east Libyan town of Derna. The legitimate Jamahiriya government complied with this demand even though it was against the better judgment of the Late Leader, he capitulated with the UN demand because he was promised more freedoms in world business for the Libyan people. The last prisoner was released in the first week of February 2011. This coincided with the resignation of Mustapha Abdeljalil from his job with the legitimate Libyan government.
Do you think this was a coincidence? I don’t think so!
Everything had been planned to the last detail. The master-planners did not calculate the HUMAN factor, this being that the Libyan people loved their country and supported their government by a factor of 85%. Libya is an ancient culture with one of the strongest support for family units in the world. Those values are upheld by the tribal structure. Libyan people are typically non confrontational, they enjoy strong belief in their God, but protect the every religion based on a book. These are all the things that the Zionists cannot allow. They attempted to split Libya into THREE pieces to be shared with England, United States and France. This is why you see the attempt at forced independence of CYRENAICA which is Benghazi. Second division to be an area of the minority of the Amazigh or Tamazight known as Berbers; they are scattered between the regions of Zawiyah, Nalut and Gharyan. The area of northwest to be called TRIPOLITANIA and lastly the extremists want to make the city of Derna a radical Islamic emirate. I have attached a map of Libya so that you can see the divisions.
The Libyan people do not want to be divided, we do not want to live in fear, we do not want our wives and daughters raped. We are sick and tired of the 240 foreign & national militia’s who are financed by NATO/CIA/MOSSAD to cause chaos in Libya. We are sick with worry for all of our beloved sisters and brothers being illegally detained in militia-controlled detention centers, living under inhumane conditions. These centers are holding nearly 40,000 people without access to the justice system, and some 2 million civilians still remain forcibly displaced or in exile as a result of the illegal war in 2011.
Since NATO began its destruction of Libya in March 2011until today, I don't think any legitimate Libyan has had a peaceful night. The legitimate Libyan people suffered continuous bombings for 8 months during the NATO attacks in 2011 (I am surprised any of us are still alive). After NATO accomplished the destruction of Libya it left 250,000 psychopathic mercenaries to finish the destruction of Libya. These mercenaries formed militias (armed gangs). These militias are always fighting each other and of course there is collateral damage. In April of 2014, the calculated death toll since NATO started its destruction of Libya is over 600,000; most were civilians.
As I stated before the master-planners failed to calculate the Human factor - the love of our country. Today there is a Green Resistance and day by day it's getting stronger as more Libyans are realizing or waking up and joining the resistance against the militias and the foreign occupiers. The tribes in exile are assisting were ever they can to help the resistance. Many “self exiled” Libyans are returning to assist. Each and every one of us is giving a helping hand. We will never stop loving our country even if we have to die to save it.
On the 12th of this month there was a meeting with the main militias to decide who control's what. After the militias agreed they shook their hands and left. The Misurata militia, Tajoura, Janzour brigade 27, Souk Juma and Dias initiated an attack on the 13th of July, against the Zintan tribal fighters and the International airport of Tripoli. The reason for this attack was because the Daash militia which belongs to Belhaj, lost control of the military airport called Mitiga. Belhaj’s control of Mitiga allowed Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the UAE to smuggle arms, alcohol and money into Libya. In return, Belhaj and his crew would repay them with Human trafficking of children and women. With the loss of Mitiga airport to the government, Belhaj and his criminal associates are left with only one airport in Misurata which is not sufficient for all their illegal activities. These militia’s are attempting to put Tripoli under siege, but as I said before the Human factor is always foiling their schemes. The Zintan tribe, although they are not my favorite tribe, are probably the most proficient Libyan fighters, they are more humane and apparently they do love Libya. They are always on alert. When the “militia mafia” fighters of Misurata, Daash, Tajoura, Zanjur , Souk Juma attacked the Zintan, they were in for a very big surprise, they were soundly beaten back.
"We are publishing the reports of the secret security officers of the Libyan intelligence regarding the meetings of the Muslim Brotherhood and the armed mafia in collaboration with the terrorist elements from Daash (Belhaj). This report shows the brutal schemes (collusion) of these criminals to attack the legitimate Libyan army who are working to bring back the dignity and security of Libya. A copy of their plan has been leaked and we have posted it below. This report shows what is happening today in Tripoli because of NATO’s illegal actions in 2011and its results in detail. A copy of the original plan was delivered to the head of Libyan intelligence by hand."
**Please use this link to read see the security documents and read the full story http://libyaagainstsuperpowermedia.org/2014/07/14/why-the-international-...
Tags: LibyaTripoliAirport