Why I Stand For God, Canada, And Free Speech, NOT Israel! By Arthur Topham

Last week Canada suffered a major set back in its battle to have true free speech rights restored to the Canadian citizens when Arthur Topham, who has been fighting an uphill battle against Jewish tyrannical control over the Canadian nation, lost on one count of "inciting hate" in a kangaroo courtroom in Quesnel British Columbia.... Basically the entire trial that Arthur endured was a farce and the Jewish power elite that control Canada was never going to surrender their control... Meaning that Arthur was absolutely "guilty" no matter what defense he presented....Now over a week after that ridiculous "guilty" verdict, Arthur is still awaiting his "sentence" for his ludicrous "guilty" verdict.... But in the meantime he is still writing articles over at his Radical Press website, at www.radicalpress.com... His latest article is entitled: "Why I Stand For Canada, And Free Speech. Not Israel" and is a must see by everyone and especially my fellow Canadian citizens... I have it right here and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:Why I Stand for God, Canada and Free Speech, not Israel By Arthur TophamNovember 20, 2015 by admin 5 CommentsWhy I Stand for God, Canada and Free Speech, not IsraelByArthur TophamOn Thursday, November 12, 2015 at 11:27 a.m. in the British Columbia Supreme Court, city of Quesnel, I was pronounced “Guilty” by a jury of twelve men and women of the following criminal offence, also known as Count 1:“Roy Arthur TOPHAM, between the 28th day of April, 2011 and the 4th day of May, 2012, inclusive, at or near Quesnel, in the Province of British Columbia, did by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promote hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code.”Immediately following I was pronounced “Not Guilty” of a second and identical criminal offence, known as Count 2:“Roy Arthur TOPHAM, between the 29th day of January, 2013 and the 11th day of December, 2013, inclusive, at or near Quesnel, in the Province of British Columbia, did by communicating statements, other than in private conversation, willfully promote hatred against an identifiable group, people of the Jewish religion or ethnic origin, contrary to Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code.”Within moments of the jury leaving the courtroom Crown prosecutor Jennifer Johnson was seeking new bail conditions that would restrict even further my fundamental rights as contained in Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Defence Attorney Barclay Johnson immediately objected suggesting to Justice Bruce Butler that if Crown wants changes to my bail conditions then due process should be followed and Crown must file an application to that effect. Justice Butler agreed and the date of Thursday, November 19, 2015 was set for a hearing on Crown’s application. Later it was set for Friday, November 20th, 2015 at 10 a.m.Given the fact that Crown has attempted on two earlier occasions to have stringent bail conditions imposed upon my freedom to operate RadicalPress.com it must be assumed that in this instance too Crown will be calling for either removal of my site from the Internet or else a total ban on my ability to operate it until final sentencing which is tentatively scheduled for late January of 2016.In the event that Crown is able to accomplish either of its objectives, November 20th, 2015 could, theoretically, be the last day that I am able to communicate the status of my case on the Internet pending the outcome of my Charter challenge to Sec. 319(2).It therefore behooves me to make a few comments and observations before the hearing takes place.Our collective dilemmaOnly someone in a comatose condition or willfully blind to any form of self-reflection could deny the fact that the global state of affairs today has reached an extreme state of critical disharmony.War, and the threat of war, environmental degradation, cancer rates of epic proportions, fear levels at an all-time high and an endless array of bureaucratic and media machinations all designed to confuse and obfuscate any remedial efforts on the part of the people to rectify this imminent threat to our collective condition are the order of the day. Then, coupled with all of these Orwellian conditions, is the growing threat by Zionist infiltrated nation states to introduce illogical, totalitarian, communist tactics such as “hate crime” legislation in order to penalize those who attempt to define and interpret the present narrative of negativity.Numerous individual writers from the past have warned us repeatedly of what would happen if we didn’t get off our collective fanny and do something about what was happening but, as is the human condition, the general populace is too busy making a living, paying off their plastic, raising families and mesmerized by Big Brother’s “Eye” tv to find the time to address and dismantle these specious, serpentine moves of the Zionist lobbyist to put in place their anti-free speech “hate” legislation.Now that the proverbial fecal matter is hitting the fan suddenly the truth revealers are getting broad-sided by this legislation and falsely accused and dragged before Stalinist “Show Trial”courts in order to plug the failing dams of deception that are currently crumbling before their very eyes.In term of my own situation I’ve spent a lifetime searching for answers to this perennial problem of endless conflict and environmental destruction and now, at the ripe young age of 68, I can honestly and rightfully declare that all of my years of research and writing, coupled with the past 9 years of ‘harrowing’ legal hassles, only further corroborates and confirms that censorship of individuals who earnestly try to give warning to their fellow citizens and censorship of the Internet via the unscrupulous use of “hate crime” legislation must be stopped if we are to remain free to think, reason and peacefully protest against any form of oppression.The final step in this ongoing process of ridding our country of the last remaining legal barrier (Sec. 319(2) of the criminal code will be a Constitutional challenge using the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Sec. 2b which states:Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:(b) freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;Israel and the Zionist agendaAll of the hate crime legislation in the world has been created by one group, the Zionist Jew lobby, working through B’nai Brith International and other similar orgs. They’ve set themselves up in every nation of the West and their primary purpose as agents of the state of Israel is to silence any and all criticism of the Zionist ideology and its debilitating effect upon human rights and freedom of expression. This fact is now beyond dispute and case after case where individuals are charged with these duplicitous “hate” crimes the complainants inevitably are dual citizens of the foreign state of Israel or else goy sycophants in the pay of these same lobbyists.To support Israel is to support racism, apartheid, murder of innocents, theft of other nation’s land, the destruction of other cultures, war, destruction and endless terrorist acts and media deception on a scale never before witnessed in human history.Any Western government that “stands with Israel” is admitting to and condoning and complicit with all of these barbaric and uncivilized actions that comprise the whole of what political Zionism entails.GodMy first duty as a human being is to acknowledge, revere and do the Will of the Creator – source of all life. God = Love = Truth. If I don’t include God in every equation related to my work and my life then it all becomes meaningless and devoid of that one fundamental principle which governs both the physical and spiritual realms. Any attempt at addressing the evils that men do which omits the Truth is futile. God gave man Free Will which ultimately implies the right to express himself without fear of state repression. The atheistic Zionist agenda would end that freedom of the mind and soul and for that reason alone it must be resisted all costs.ConclusionMy purpose in all that I’ve done over my lifetime has been to shed light upon the machinations of those who would enslave us and silence us so that we’re not at liberty to express our thoughts and ideas. Censorship now remains the #1 threat to our global survival in that without the freedom to challenge the state (any state) and its dictates and demands we’re left bereft of the ability to speak the Truth. In this sense my struggle is every person’s struggle who desires to remain free and live in peace and harmony with their fellow human beings and all other life forms.NTS Notes: Yes, Arthur being charged with "inciting hate" was a farce and a travesty... Especially to this once free nation of Canada...I, as another Canadian, too stand for Canada and Free Speech.... I have always stated and have shown in my articles that I am against CRIMINALS.... It is a sad fact that the majority of the "tribe" of "chosen ones" are involved in the ruination of our planet and the subjugation of all of mankind....I personally have no hatred at all for the Jewish people, but for the criminality of many of their religious zealots and the teaching of their own fraud religion of Judaism (read their Talmud and Torah and see the real hatred for yourselves).....It is again a sad statement that many of the Jewish people do not take a stand against the criminal activities of many of their own tribe members and especially the horrific and psychotic state of Israel.  Instead many are accomplices to their criminal acts by being nothing more than silent cheer leaders and standing by and doing nothing to stop them....Yes, free speech in Canada took a severe hit with Arthur Topham's farcical trial..... But many Canadians are indeed awakening and indeed questioning so many of the lies of our false history and the Jewish control over our government and especially our own media.... The Jewish power elite are therefore going to continue to attempt to crush and censor those who question their power and stand up for free speech, for they know that if Canadians do learn the real truths, there will be hell to pay....More to comeNTS