Why Alex Jones is a Fake Anti-Globalist

Authored by Serban V.C. Enache via Hereticus Economicus:
Disclaimer. I’ve never been a fan of paleoconservatism, and I’ve never held Alex Jones’ brand of journalism in high regard. That being said, he did do good things in his career, he did fight the so-called ‘good fight’ for a time; and I didn’t hold back to give him credit when he had good ideas. Like in the case of public utility social media; and I was opposed to him being deplatformed. Unfortunately, Jones’ channel has become a cesspool of hawkish intoxication. I’ve been watching his show up on Infowars for a good many weeks now, and I’ve made a personal, final assessment on the narrative he’s pushing.
I’ll make a list of points and, if readers disagree, they can watch or listen to Infowars to see that I’m not arguing a strawman or making stuff up. By the way, I love Gerald Celente’s segment on Infowars. He’s great.
Alex Jones says that Iran could have been permitted to have a nuclear bomb by now, if Iran didn’t threaten nuking people all the time. And Jones questions whether or not the first oil tanker incidents were false-flags. He is inclined to believe that Iran may have been behind them, because the Iranians “are crazy.”
Sometimes Jones makes funny voices to ridicule various people he dislikes. One of those voices he does sounds awfully close to Netanyahu’s. There’s nothing wrong with that, albeit it’s ironic, given the fact that Jones and Infowars have shilled so much for Israel and Netanyahu. Jones claims that the Rothschilds [and by implication the Globalists] want Netanyahu dead. As always, Jones finds the ‘enemy’ only on the Israeli left; because the Israeli ‘right’ are incapable of pulling off dishonorable deeds, no? Israel, under the Netanyahu administration, is selling technology, including military technology to China – to the “Chicoms” [Communist Chinese] as Jones calls them. Yet you won’t hear Jones mentioning this fact, let alone criticizing it. In fact, Jones will go out of his way to cut off callers or people he’s interviewing, if the dialog hints at putting the spotlight on Israeli meddling and crimes.
Alex Jones thinks the Palestinians are “invaders,” who are all about invading other people’s lands. He said that even those Palestinians who had their land taken away are invaders – and Jones said “quote” in the sense that they really weren’t push off the land [by American and European Jewish immigrants to Palestine]. What a travesty. So much bile, so much ignorance and manufacturing of history.
Alex Jones believes the Globalists have cornered the US, trapped it into an inevitable war with China. Last time I checked, there were no Chinese military units in proximity to US borders, land or sea. Rather, it’s the other way around. And he always demonizes China for what US secret services and US big tech are doing, not just in the US, but in foreign countries, including allied states. Jones is more concerned with a spy agent from another continent, than he is about the spy in his own country. As if Xi Jinping and the Communist Party of China were responsible for US companies deplatforming him. China is militarily encircled by the US, and Jones would have Americans believed the Chinese are an existential threat to the United States. Whether he realizes it or not, Jones is making the case for US hegemonic [imperialist] policy and wants it strengthened.
Alex Jones keeps pushing the “socialism kills” narrative, and often cites Venezuela as the perfect example of this; but just as you might expect, makes no mention of how US sanctions [levied by the Trump Administration two years ago, combined with Western European sanctions and confiscation of Venezuelan assets abroad] impact the daily lives of ordinary Venezuelans. If all the blame lies with Maduro’s party, why would you support sanctions against that country? It’s like seeing a handicapped person on the street, and then tripping him up to fall flat on his face and break his nose and teeth. Instead of condemning US-sponsored regime changes in South America and US-led economic warfare against these countries, Jones is silent as a snake. But then likes to complain about foreigners storming the border and lays all the blame on Soros propaganda outlets, enticing foreigners to come to the US, where they’ll be given free stuff. Isn’t Alex Jones and his ilk part of the problem on this issue? You know, the two sides of the same coin? The two wings of the same bird?
Alex Jones often puts up scenarios in which the [conservative] people in the US will rise up to overthrow the tyrannical Government. He’s made numerous statements, albeit of a theoretical nature, that someone has to intervene with a gun to stop what he deems an injustice. Infowars features written and audio-video material about a coming civil war in the United States, triggered by the leftists, the liberals, the communists… While Jones is clever enough to put disclaimers, “I’m not saying launch an offensive war,” he’s narrative ultimately radicalizes conservatives. He’s using the same tactics Antifa uses, and then blames Antifa for fomenting “terrorists” and “terrorism.” It is staunch hypocrisy and he can’t claim the moral high ground.
Alex Jones used to criticize the bubble economy; the economy that’s kept from tanking via “artificial” means. But now, since Trump’s in office, Jones is attacking others for making the same criticisms. Jones labels this as a conspiracy to kill confidence in the economy, to topple Trump. Jones claims that the age of fiat money is nearing its end, that crypto currencies will take its place, and that’s important for the US Government to channel fiat funding into the military sector primarily, for the inevitable battle with the Chicoms, lest the US be invaded and conquered. Alex Jones is cheering for Trump to engage in military keynesianism, despite the fact Trump has already engaged in it. It’s not enough according to Jones.
Alex Jones is pro-life. He thinks that the lives of children and of the unborn are sacred. Yet his fiscal conservative stance runs counter to his professed beliefs. What happens to the children of the poor? What happens to the children of those in the middle class, who weren’t poor when they had the children, but have become poor due to circumstances beyond their control? And food is just one part of the problem. What about housing? What about electricity and running water? What about health care? What about education? What about access to jobs and job security? Alex Jones has nothing on this front. His sympathy for children ends after they’re born. The “free market” will handle it from there. Meanwhile, the so-called free market is only free for rent-seekers, usurers, and cartels.
I don’t mind different ideologies as much as I mind ideological inconsistency. You can’t call yourself pro-life and be against the Welfare State. Call yourself what you are: a social darwinist. And since Jones likes to invoke Adolf Hitler and the Nazis all the time in his dialogues and monologues – I clue him in on Nazi socio-economic policy. The Nazis, even though they practiced eugenics, they had full employment and welfare policies in place. The Nazis would have discarded individuals based on their genetic value, not based on their economic condition like Alex Jones. He’s the typical conservative fraudster. Unlimited Government money for the military. Little or no Government money for the civilian economy. In his view, the former is capitalistic, free-market, and patriotic; the latter is socialistic, communistic, and treasonous.
At the beginning of the month, Jones had someone on his show, who hinted at a secret liberal conspiracy between Pope Francis and Vladimir Putin. Jones didn’t cut him off, didn’t challenge him on that point in any way. The only times I’ve heard Jones commenting about Putin, at least recently, was on the submarine incident, hinting that there’s likely something sinister behind it – insert your preferred secret alien tech theories here…
I feel these points are enough to prove my case. Alex Jones is a false anti-Globalist. He doesn’t condemn US economic warfare, responsible for creating waves of migrants and refugees. He doesn’t condemn Israeli Apartheid policies toward the Palestinians – on the contrary, he squares all the blame on the Palestinians. His invectives for the neocons pale to insignificance when contrasted with the invectives used against the upstart ‘radical left.’ He’s a pathetic cheerleader of Netanyahu. Never attacks [Jewish] Zionism or Christian Zionism. In fact, Jones went so far as to justify and defend Jewish ethno-centric influence over US national and foreign affairs. But God forbid the Jew in question should be an anti-zionist. No, that would make that particular Jew a servant of the Globalists. Meanwhile, Trump’s using the US military in the interests of a foreign state, Israel, doing Netanyahu’s dirty work. But that doesn’t count as “globalism” in Jones’ book. You see, the Iranians, and the Iraqis, and the Libyans, and the Syrians, and the Afghans own all the liberal media outlets and Democrat politicians in the United States and formulate the country’s foreign policy and its domestic agenda [sarcasm]. That’s why Alex Jones is a despicable shill and propagandist for the other half, the other face of the Establishment. American exceptionalism is nothing without tanks, guns, bombs, and lies.
The post Why Alex Jones is a Fake Anti-Globalist appeared first on The Duran.
