White House Gun Studies Disproving Propaganda Hushed-Up

The findings of the White House Gun Studies are not what Obama expected, much less wanted!

This is actually already old news, but following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, President Obama issued a “Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun violence,” along with 22 other “initiatives.”
That study, subcontracted out to the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council, was completed in June and contained some surprises for the president. Obama had announced his push for three major gun control initiatives — universal background checks, a ban on “assault weapons,” and a ban on “high-capacity” magazines — to prevent future mass shootings, no doubt hoping that the CDC study would oblige him by providing evidence that additional gun control measures were justified to reduce gun violence.
On the contrary, that study refuted nearly all the standard anti-gun narrative and instead supported many of the positions taken by gun ownership supporters. The study showed that most of the gun control talk, is just that, talk, without much reality in actually addressing gun crime, and tends to support most of the things that gun rights advocates have repeatedly said.
The study was virtually ignored by the media. Perhaps because it didn’t fit the talking points?
The report from the CDC echoed findings the CDC published back in 2003 that showed that suicides were responsible for 58 percent of all firearms-related deaths in 2000. Also noted is that back in 2003 Americans owned an estimated 192 million firearms, while today that number is estimated to be closer to 300 million, an increase of more than 55 percent.
Said the CDC back in 2003, “Evidence was insufficient to determine the effectiveness of any of these laws” (Emphasis added.): Bans on specified firearms or ammunition, Restrictions on firearm acquisition, Waiting periods for firearm acquisition, Firearm registration and licensing of owners, and Zero tolerance for firearms in schools. If the president was looking to the CDC report for support on how to reduce the threat of firearm-related violence through legislation restricting the rights of American citizens, he was sorely disappointed.
Perhaps that’s why so few of the media have publicized the report. In fact, the only establishment media even to mention the report was the Washington Post, which criticized it for not answering questions that it wasn’t asked to answer! Furthermore, the key finding the president was no doubt seeking — that more laws would result in less crime — was missing.
The study said that “interventions,” such as background checks and restrictions on firearms and increased penalties for illegal gun use, showed “mixed” results, while “turn-in” programs “are ineffective” in reducing crime. The study noted that most criminals obtained their guns in the underground economy — from friends, family members, or gang members — well outside any influence from gun controls on legitimate gun owners.
Here’s another example of news and studies getting hushed up by mainstream media at direction of our government.
How can anybody believe a word Obama, his administration or politicians in general say to us? They’re all a bunch of greedy, self-serving, power-hungry narcessists. We should fire them all!
By Tom Retterbush
CDC Study Ordered by Obama Contradicts White House Anti-gun Narrative http://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/15941-cdc-study-ordered-by-obama-contradicts-white-house-anti-gun-narrative First Reports Evaluating the Effectiveness of
Strategies for Preventing Violence: Firearms Laws http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/rr5214a2.htm
Here are the questions about gun violence the CDC would study — if it could http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2013/06/08/here-are-the-questions-about-gun-violence-the-cdc-would-study-if-it-could/

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