White House Considers More Military Action in Syria- Predictably, Chlorine in Ghouta!

UPDATED... scroll down

I had mentioned this as a distinct possibility last week in more then one report: 

Originally from WaPo link above to stars and stripes

As reported today

WASHINGTON — The Trump administration has considered new military action against the Syrian government in response to reports of ongoing chemical weapons use, officials said, raising the prospect of a second U.S. strike on President Bashar Assad in less than a year.The president requested options for punishing the Assad government following reported chlorine gas attacks - at least seven so far this year - and possibly other chemicals affecting civilians in opposition-controlled areas.

The president discussed potential actions early last week at a White House meeting that included Chief of Staff John Kelly, national security adviser H.R. McMaster and Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, officials said.

 As if on cue....Fresh chemical attack on Ghouta reported as Trump “considers” military action

 Just around 11pm local time on Monday night, activists on Twitter and a media centre in the city of Hamouriya began reporting another chemical attack by the Assad regime forces in the area. The Hamorouria media centre (HMC) reported 30 casualties – 28 of them women and children – who were evacuated “following an attack by regime forces using chlorine gas in the residential part of the city”, a Facebook post read

     I've put up lots to read today-