White Helmets observed preparing for new chemical weapons provocation

Just after the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) gets expanded capacities which included throwing blame at nations for use of chemical weapons, White Helmet personnel were observed by residents in Idlib preparing missiles with an unknown liquid while making use of protective outfits.
Based on the reports, it certainly sounds like the White Helmets are up to another staged chemical weapons attack to be blamed on either the Syrian government or the Russians, strategically positioned while the Syrian army is attempting to liberate key areas to the South, routing jihadist militants, declared to be ‘fleeing’ according to the MSM.
Russian News outlet TASS reports:

MOSCOW, June 27. /TASS/. The White Helmets are preparing a provocation with the use of chemical substances in Syria’s Idlib Governorate, Major-General Alexey Tsygankov, Chief of the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Sides, said on Wednesday.
“The Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing sides in Syria has received a telephone call from residents of Idlib province, who said the White Helmets organization is preparing a provocation. They said a convoy of six cars bearing the White Helmets logo had arrived in the city of Idlib on Sunday, along with a truck loaded with personal protective equipment, containers with liquid, video equipment and seven missiles. After their arrival, four persons unknown to local residents wearing special clothes and protective gear began equipping the missiles’ heads with the liquid and powder they brought along with them,” he said.
According to the Russian military, the organization’s members transported the equipped missiles to the area close to the inhabited community of Maaret al-Numan.
Some non-governmental organizations (NGOs), including the White Helmets, earlier claimed that chemical weapons had been used in Syria’s Douma on April 7. According to the statement posted on the organization’s website on April 8, chlorine bombs were dropped on the city killing dozens and poisoning others, who had to be hospitalized.
Specialists from the Russian Center for Reconciliation of the Opposing Sides examined Douma on April 9 to find no traces of chemical weapons.
On April 14, the United States, the UK and France delivered missile strikes on Syria’s military and civilian infrastructure facilities. They said the strikes had been a response to the alleged chemical attack in Douma.
Russia and Damascus accuse the White Helmets of having links to terrorists.

They’ve even got video equipment on hand to record the incident so that it can be spread as part of their propaganda via social media, and potentially aired on the Western main stream media as part of a media campaign to justify another western intervention in Syria. The last chemical weapons allegations were concerned with a blast in Douma which didn’t turn up any chemical agents in any subsequent investigations, but which was a successful pretext for military strikes in and near Damascus.

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