While We Have All Been Distracted By COVID-19 Bullshit: Lunatics Behind Global Warming Fraud At It Again As They Are Now Claiming The Arctic Will Be "Ice Free" By 2050 AD!

Well, I do want to get away from the COVID-19 bullshit for a few articles, as I am sick and tired of pounding away at that fraud and trying so hard to reach the numb skulls out there to get them to fucking wake up!   It has been mentally draining at times, and I do need to get onto other subjects from time to time just to keep my own sanity!Well, apparently last Monday was 'Earth Day' and damn it, but I missed the memo... No, actually I do remember that day, for that was when I did my annual "Earth Day observance" by turning on every light in the house, turning on all appliances and other electrical devices for just a few minutes and then flipping the fuckers that actually observe that massive lie the "bird".... I have been saying for years now that "Earth Day" is a massive fraud as the fuckers running that scam are the same ones that want us all imprisoned in their "one world government" system!OK, onto the business at hand, and it has to do with the scam artists behind the entire 'Global Warming' aka "climate change" fraud.... And this one is so laughable, for according to the following report from the "Barents Observer" online "news" service, apparently the scam artists behind the "climate change" fiasco have now 'moved the goal posts' in terms of if and when the 'Arctic Ice Cap will melt" to the year 2050 AD!!!!!   I first do want to present that article here, of course, for everyone to see for themselves and have a good chuckle... I also do as always have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Photo: Thomas NilsenIce-free Arctic summers likely by 2050, even with climate action: studyMuch of the Arctic Ocean will become ice-free during summers by 2050 even if greenhouse gas emissions are reduced sharply, according to a new study.Eye on the ArcticApril 23, 2020By Levon Sevunts The study, Arctic Sea Ice in CMIP6,  published in Geophysical Research Letters analyzed recent results from 40 different climate models.Using these models, scientists from 21 research institutes from around the world assessed the evolution of Arctic sea-ice cover in a scenario with high CO2 emissions and little climate protection.As expected, summer Arctic sea-ice disappeared quickly in these simulations.However, some of these models also showed that the ice still disappeared even in some simulations where CO2 emissions were rapidly reduced.“The key point is that we have now reached a point that whether we are very aggressive in cutting our emissions or whether we go business as usual, we will be seeing years without any ice in the Arctic Ocean in the summer,” said study co-author Bruno Tremblay, associate professor in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences at McGill University.What will change between different scenarios is the frequency at which this phenomenon occurs, Tremblay added.“If we go business as usual, it will be a much more frequent occurrence, it will be pretty much always the case starting in 2030, 2035 or 2040,” Trembleay told Radio Canada International in an interview from Toulouse, France, where he is on sabbatical.“If we do severe cuts to our CO2 emissions, it will be an occurrence that happens once in a while but it will still occur.”

Photo: Thomas NilsenEach summer, the area of sea-ice coverage decreases and grows again in winter.However, since researchers began keeping satellite records in 1979, summer Arctic ice has lost 40 per cent of its area and up to 70 per cent of its volume.The entire Arctic Ocean, the smallest and the shallowest of world oceans, covers an area of about 14.06 million square kilometres.Scientists define an ice-free Arctic as one in which the Arctic Ocean sea ice covers an area of about 1 million square kilometres or less, Tremblay said.“When you have 1 million square kilometres of ice left, you have a thin, narrow band of ice left in the north of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago and some ice left within the archipelago but basically the entire Arctic Ocean is free of ice except for that very localized region,” Tremblay said.The ice-free season is also expected to get substantially longer, he added.“Ice always comes back in the winter but it will come back later and later, because as you have less and less ice, more solar light is absorbed in the surface ocean, it takes longer in the fall before you ventilate all this heat into the atmosphere,” Tremblay said.“And so gradually October becomes ice-free as well, August as well, not just September, and then November-December becomes ice-free and June as well, so the ice-free season becomes wider and wider.”

Walruses on the ice in the Hinlopen Strait between Spitsbergen and Nordaustlandet on Svalbard. Photo: Thomas NilsenThis will substantially affect the Arctic ecosystem and climate, particularly ice-dependent species such as polar bears and seals, Tremblay said.“This will mean for them a longer and longer period without ice, which basically means fasting,” Tremblay said.“For polar bears it means staying on land and they will have to wait until the end of October, November and then finally December before they can return and hunt [on the ice],” Tremblay said.Female polar bears give birth to cubs in January and February and then go on the ice in May to hunt seals and fatten up until the ice-free season comes and they have to fast, he said.With the ice-free season coming earlier and lasting longer, this means polar bears will have to fast for much longer.Research in the Western Hudson Bay in the southern part of the Canadian Arctic shows that the average fasting time for polar bears in the area has gone from 107 days in the 1980s to 130 days in the early 2000s.As a result, the Western Hudson Bay polar bear population is estimated to have dropped by 30 per cent since the 1980s. Other polar bear populations further north in the Canadian Arctic are stable or even growing. However, that could change with the warming climate.“We’re seeing in the Hudson Bay now is what we will be seeing the Arctic Ocean in a decade or two,” Tremblay said.The models looking even further into the future into 2100 and 2200 predict an ice free Arctic even in the winter, Tremblay said.However, as the Arctic sea-ice extent decreases during this transition to an ice-free Arctic, the year-to-year variability in extent is expected to greatly increase, Tremblay said.The last time the Earth experienced conditions like these was about 6,000 years ago at the end of the last glacial period when the solar insulation was much higher than it is now, Tremblay said.“And what we’re going to see at the end of the century, you’re going to have to go back even further back, like hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years back when you saw conditions that warm,” Tremblay said.This story is posted on Independent Barents Observer as part of Eye on the Arctic, a collaborative partnership between public and private circumpolar media organizations.NTS Notes:  I do of course want to give Kudos to my fellow Canadian truth seeker, Penny, from "Penny For Your Thoughts" at www.pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com, for alerting me to this most "interesting" article from this obviously Global Warming supporting rag called the "Barents Observer"..... And in fact, Penny did put out a marvellous article concerning this fraud at her website, and I do want to present the link to that article here:http://pennyforyourthoughts2.blogspot.com/2020/04/arctic-summers-ice-free-by-2050-ground.htmlWell, I knew this was going to happen, for the simple fact that even that criminal sicko Globalist Jew dick sucking freak Al Gore aka 'Saint Al of the Gore" and the original "patron saint" of the entire Global Warming scam (Greta Thunberg has now taken over that title these days...) stated back in the late 1990's that the Arctic Ice Caps would be gone by early in the 21st century.... And since that did not happen, we have seen a long list of excuses by the hucksters behind this entire fraud as to why...The facts are that the fucking bullshit artists behind this scam got caught and have now basically raised their poker stakes on a "busted flush" by indeed pushing the "goal posts" back to the year 2050 and beyond, hoping that a new generation of idiots out there will fall for this lie once again..And of course this article is so full of holes, starting with the obvious picture of a Polar Bear to try once again to get a "tear jerking' response from people out there that the claims that Polar Bears are somehow now "dying" thanks to  the "melting Arctic", which is absolutely FALSE... The facts are that polar bear populations have actually grown exponentially over the last decade at least and are now at the point that governments in both Canada and the US have had to have no choice but to 'cull' polar bear herds just to keep their increasing numbers down!  But you will never hear that reality in the Jew spew media, right???And of course the article throws out that long standing falsehood of CO2 being a 'greenhouse gas' and that we must do our part to "reduce CO2 emissions", which is pure bunk... CO2 is in fact NOT a greenhouse gas at all, but in actuality is a "coolant" and a necessary gas in our atmosphere for life to even exist (Those green things out there called PLANTS need CO2, or did everyone suddenly forget about that fact?)... Diminish CO2 gas in our atmosphere, and plants cannot survive.... And I do wonder where that heinous witch, Greta Thunberg is indeed these days??  With this COVID-19 bullshit, the only news we have heard is where she tried to come out on Earth Day and ride 'piggy back' on this fraud pandemic to push her ' Climate Change' agenda and failed miserably...  But she is still out there, and  we indeed have not heard the last of that ass clown and her criminal cohorts...The bottom line is this.. These ass clowns in the Climate Change huckster community will constantly come up with this bullshit until people wake up and directly challenge then to put them in their rightful place....  People must stay vigilant and be ready to do exactly that when necessary!More to comeNTS