"When Women Succeed, America Succeeds"-- Except When The Opposite Happens... Think Liz Cheney

I'm glad Nancy Pelosi is launching an initiative to help empower women. But, let's be frank-- when Michele Bachmann succeeds or Ann Coulter succeeds, America fails. Deb Fischer is a U.S. senator from Nebraska. She's one of almost two dozen far right crackpots with ZERO crucial vote scores according to ProgressivePunch... right up there down there with Ted Cruz (R-TX), Jim Inhofe (R-OK), Jeff Sessions (R-AL), John Boozman (R-AR), Miss McConnell (R-KY), John Cornyn (R-TX), Richard Burr (R-NC), Mike Enzi (R-WY) and the rest of the obstructionists who are working every single day to undermine America. John McCain (R-AZ), Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Bob Corker (R-TN), very conservative senators who are sick of McConnell's willingness to hurt the American economy and American families to make Obama look bad, favor working with the Democrats in a spirit of compromise. Corker, who was heard yelling "bullshit" while McConnell was lisping out his Limbaugh-and-Beck-inspired rhetoric at a caucus meeting, told reporters that "What I did yesterday was not in a vacuum and I’m glad to be able to be in a position where I can do things that are for the greater good of the Republican Conference, the U.S. Senate, and ultimately, candidly, for the country and that’s what I did yesterday." Deb Fischer, an ideologue and a backbencher no one in Washington takes seriously, doesn't agree. She opposes compromise and she voted against ending the filibusters against Richard Cordray to be Director of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, Tom Perez to be Secretary of Labor and Regina McCarthy to head the Environmental Protection Agency. And then Fischer voted against confirming all 3 of them. How else do you keep that ZERO rating!I just realized that I happened to include Mike Enzi, the senior senator from Wyoming, as another crackpot wingnut with a ZERO ProgressivePunch crucial vote score. He voted exactly the same way that Fischer and Miss McConnell and Ted Cruz did... on everything. But some on the radical right don't think it's good enough-- like Sean Hannity-- and they're encouraging a woman wing-nut to run against him, Liz Cheney. Never mind that the first polls of Wyoming voters are already saying "no, thanks" to the carpetbagging millionairess from Virginia... the Republican Entertainment Complex is backing Cheney against Enzi. A Republican polling firm, Harper, did the survey and found Enzi crushing the former Vice President's spoiled daughter 55-21%. Enzi is viewed favorably by 76% of Wyoming Republicans. 45% view Liz Cheney favorably, even though nearly as many like her father and Enzi.If the Cheneys manage to somehow get rid of Enzi-- "duck hunt, Mike?"-- Liz will certainly be right there with Deb Fischer opposing... everything. She's already demanding the GOP stop "cutting deals" with the Democrats.

“We’ve got to stand and fight, and we have to defend what we believe in. We have to not be afraid of being called obstructionists,” Cheney said.“In my view, obstructing President Obama’s policies and his agenda isn’t actually obstruction; it’s patriotism,” Cheney said. “I think we have to stop what he’s doing, and then as conservatives, we’ve got to say, ‘Here’s what we believe,’ and, ‘Here’s the path forward,’ and that’s what I intend to lay out in this campaign.”Cheney didn’t give specifics in response to reporters’ questions about what she believes Enzi might have done to show complicity with Obama’s agenda.But she said, “Instead of cutting deals with the president’s allies in Congress, we can be opposing them every step of the way.”

Enzi's colleagues in the Senate including Wyoming's other senator and Miss McConnell-- and the NRSC which says it will spend party money to defeat Cheney-- all seem to be backing him so far, although fringe groups like Jim DeMint's Heritage outfit are pushing Cheney. They have tried-- along with the Cheney clan-- to push Enzi into an early retirement.

"She said that if I ran she wasn't going to run, but obviously that wasn't correct," Enzi said, speaking to reporters as he left the Senate floor. "I thought we were friends." The move by Cheney adds a new level of intrigue into the 2014 midterm elections.Wyoming, one of the most reliably conservative states in the country, will almost certainly not affect the balance of power in the Senate, but the race will be a marquee Republican event...."It's kind of interesting that about 30 minutes after I put out a release saying that I intend to run, she put out one saying she was running," Enzi told reporters. "She's watching pretty closely what I'm doing. This is different than what she was saying before-- that if I didn't run, she would run."Cheney, whose popularity grew among conservatives in her role as a commentator on Fox News, worked in the State Department during the administration of George W. Bush and her father. She is the eldest of two daughters of the former vice president and his wife, Lynn.Her move back to Wyoming last year raised eyebrows among some Republicans in the state. An editorial in the Cody Enterprise newspaper in the state urged her not run, outlining several strikes against her.