What's Wrong With Trump Supporters?

I hope you read Tom Sullivan's post, Donald In Wonderland, yesterday at Digby's place. The Donald isn't the only one wandering around cluelessly in Wonderland though. Much, if not most, of his fan base is too. If you have a brother-in-law who listens to Hate Talk Radio and Fox News all day and voted for El Presidente-elect Señor Trumpanzee, or if you saw Rachel Maddow's report Thursday night (above) on the newest PPP post-election survey, then you already know what we're dealing with. The question is, though, can American democracy recover from the death spiral it's certainly now entered? First let's deal with an easier question: what planet do Trump voters live on? Are they willfully ignorant or is it just the tragedy of the 2-digit IQ set?PPP head, Dean Debnam, wrote that "over the course of the campaign we found there was a cult like aspect to Trump's support, where any idea he put forth a substantial share of his supporters would go along with. We see that trend continuing post election. 60% of Trump voters think that Hillary Clinton received millions of illegal votes to only 18% who disagree with that concept and 22% who aren't sure either way... 40% of Trump voters insist that he won the national popular vote to only 49% who grant that Clinton won it and 11% who aren't sure... 14% of Trump supporters think Hillary Clinton is connected to a child sex ring run out of a Washington DC pizzeria. Another 32% aren't sure one way or another, much as the North Carolinian who went to Washington to check it out last weekend said was the case for him. Only 54% of Trump voters expressly say they don't think #Pizzagate is real."But across the board, Trump voters are at odds not only with normal people, but with reality. As Maddow explained on her segment "67% of Trump voters say that unemployment increased during the Obama administration, to only 20% who say it decreased [and o]nly 41% of Trump voters say that the stock market went up during the Obama administration. 39% say it went down, and another 19% say they're not sure." The stock market more than doubled-- one of the biggest increases any presidential term has ever seen. But Trump voters are so far removed from reality-- whether because of the fake news they embrace or because they are so incredibly dumb, or, more likely a toxic combination-- that the country is in actual jeopardy.And by the way, the nation al raw vote count, which is pretty close to finished now, stands like this:

• Clinton- 65,746,544 (48.2%)• Trump- 62,904,682 (46.2%)• Others- 7,645,378 (5.6%)

But look at the divergence of reality perception between normal Americans and the ignorant masses who voted to inflict the scourge of Trumpism on America and the world:I don't know what we're going to do with these damned Trumpists. Any suggestions?