What's The Dumbest Thing Any Democrat Can Ever Do-- Other Than Illegal Stuff?

Sad when cowardly Democrats bend over backwards to play the dipshit bipartisan game with always ill-intentioned Republicans. And it never pays off… at least not for Democrats. In the video above, Alan Grayson explains the "misconception that the best way to elect more Democrats is to have them run as Republicans." It's Steve Israel's basic philosophy as DCCC chairman. And Grayson, wisely, warns, "that's just wrong… Voters deserve a choice. They deserve an honest answer to their questions and they deserve an actual choice on the ballot. If you have two Republicans running against each other-- one with an "R-e-p" next to his name and the other one with "D-e-m: next to his name, it's a tremendous disservice to the public. The public can't choose that way. And if you ran as a Democrat, then there's certain things you should stand for. You should stand for Justice; you should stand for Equality; you should stand for Peace."This morning Andrew Kaczynski, writing at BuzzFeed explained the Realpolitik of this narrative to naive Democrats who burn the base to pursue the illusory centrist unicorn. "The NRCC," he explained, "is bashing Democratic candidate Alex Sink for supporting Simpson-Bowles, a deficit reduction plan Republicans most often attack President Obama for abandoning or ignoring."

“Alex Sink supports a plan that raises the retirement age for Social Security recipients, raises Social Security taxes and cuts Medicare, all while making it harder for Pinellas seniors to keep their doctors that they know and love,” Katie Prill, a spokeswoman for the NRCC said, according to the Sunshine State News. “Sending Alex Sink to Washington guarantees that seniors right here in Pinellas County are in jeopardy of losing the Social Security and Medicare benefits that they have earned and deserve.”

This is how the GOP plays the game. Confrontation-adverse Democrats adopt their reactionary agenda that is so devastating to working families and then Republicans turn around and attack them for it. Sound familiar. Everything that sucks about Obamacare came straight from the neo-fascist Heritage Foundation and the healthcare "reform" they helped Mitt Romney formulate to stave off Medicare-for-all. Obama and conservative Democrats bought it-- and, well… have you heard any Republicans thanking them for the compromise?Alex Sink-- lesser of two evils, for sure. It's why you'll never see her name-- or anyone like her-- on this list.