Synchronicity is apparent once again as things continue to fall into place. The Age of Transitions radio show and podcast may have a new name, and a slightly more mature mission, but it is being done in the very same spirit as it was from its beginning. Ochelli Radio Network, listeners helping to promote the show, iTunes reviews, high desert Joshua Tree, camping trip, synchronicity, rebranding of Trans Resister Radio to The Age of Transitions, Revolve Man’s Scientific Rise To Godhood, creating media, loaded term trans, play on words, possible misunderstandings, identity politics, nomenclature as destiny, branding, success with the show, training your mind, Tank Man, Tiananmen Square, power of images, good aspects of technological development, resisting oppression, power of immaterial things, military technology, cyborgs, transhumanism, 2045 Global Initiative, mind uploading, Transpecies Society, cellular phones, online life, smart homes, reliance on technology