What Kind Of Democrat Calls Himself A "Reagan Fiscal Conservative" In A Primary?

The other day, we mentioned that the two conservative Dems in the Inland Empire congressional race (CA-31), Joe Baca and Pete Aguilar, are slugging it out over which one is worse on the environment. They're both really awful. Aguilar, a former bank lobbyist for the failed Arrowhead Savings and Loan, is the picture of sleazy insider corruption and his entire career has been predicated on his eagerness to cozy up with the Chamber of Commerce Republicans who control the Redlands area. He hasn't earned anything; it was all given to him by the conservative establishment looking for someone with a Latino name willing to be their patsy.Baca, an admitted Blue Dog, as well as a creature of the NRA, is basically precisely what Aguilar aspires to become when he grows up. It's a sickening and pathetic cycle of ugliness for one of the most hard pressed congressional districts on the West Coast. That's why Blue America is trying to help working families break out of their bind by supporting independent-minded progressive Eloise Reyes. Up top is the new TV spot she just started running.Meanwhile, Baca and his allies are presenting him more and more frequently as the conservative in the race, which squeezes Aguilar out of his natural base. This week, a Baca SuperPAC flooded the district with expensive mailers touting Baca as a “Reagan Fiscal Conservative.” There's no way to know if Baca-- or even Aguilar-- would support Democratic positions were either to win in November… or if either would even remain in the Democratic Party. San Berdoo would be way better off with someone who actually believes in the Democratic Party values that are interwoven through Eloise's entire life. Tomorrow the PCCC will be officially endorsing her over the two unsatisfactory Establishment characters. Yesterday the National Organization for Women Political Action Committee (NOW/PAC) endorsed her for the House seat. Terry O’Neil, PAC Chair of NOW said, “Eloise knows what it’s like to be a woman working in a field dominated by men. She was the first Latina to open a law firm in San Bernardino County and she flourished. Throughout her campaign she has talked about issues important to women and families like Equal Pay for Equal Work and increasing the minimum wage. Eloise is committed to achieving full equality for women and girls and she will be a strong advocate for them in Congress. We endorse her without reservation.” Please be sure to watch Eloise's 30 second ad again and then consider contributing to her campaign at the Blue America ActBlue page-- so she can keep it up and running on TV.