WHAT THE HELL? "Maple Resolve" - Huge Drill In Canada Starts April 20th, More Troops Involved Than Jade Helm In The United States!

Everyone in the alternative media has been made aware of the upcoming operational "drills" happening in the United States under the name "Jade Helm".    There have been those that have proclaiming that these drills could be both a test and the prelude to when the US Government imposes their planned Martial Law across America.   It is also surprising that most of the American sheep are totally unaware of these drills taking place in what is supposed to be a "free" nation!BUT I caught something important today at the Investment Watch Blog website, at www.investmentwatchblog.com that absolutely shocked me and caused me to say..'WHAT THE HELL ?!" ... For according to this article, and the important video that I have here for all to see for themselves, and especially my readers up here in Police State Canada, it appears that there is a drill to be conducted right here in Canada that will occur in Wainwright Alberta at exactly the same time as the Jade Helm "exercises" in America!    First, here is that article and video for all to see for themselves, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow:MAPLE RESOLVE: Huge Drill In Canada Starts April 20th, More Troops Than Jade HelmSubmitted by IWB, on April 13th, 2015 Maple Resolve will be conducted at the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre in Wainwright, Alberta from April 20 to May 23. The exercise will involve nearly 4,500 military personnel from Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom. http://www.kenoradailyminerandnews.co…http://news.gc.ca/web/article-en.do?n…http://www.journaldequebec.com/2015/0…Footage of Convoy:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBFiv…Blackwater In Canada:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30l3N…JADE HELM:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8n3G…Read more at http://investmentwatchblog.com/maple-resolve-huge-drill-in-canada-start… Notes:  I am truly shocked... The Jew spew media up here in Canuckleheadistan has absolutely NOT reported one iota about this impending operation, or about the movement of these convoys across this formerly free nation to gather in central Alberta for this "drill".......This should be an outrage to every peace loving Canadian... Yes, again we had all heard about the impending Jade Helm operations in America, but have been oblivious to the possibility that these criminals would be conducting parallel "training" operations right here in Canada at the same time....What we have here is proof that the Harper regime is definitely planning for something huge to happen and his regime is trying its best to keep Canadians in the dark.....I hope that this article goes viral and that everyone living here in Canada goes after these criminals..... Yes these criminals are indeed doing these "drills" in preparation for something big to happen very soon... I will NOT speculate on what that will be, but I can guarantee it will not be pretty....More to comeNTS*One update:  Has anyone noticed that they are timing these "drills" to occur on April 20th, which just so happens to be... Adolf Hitler's birthday!   I do believe that the time of these events is not by coincidence but is carefully timed and conceived... Something major may yet happen.....