Well, The Honeymoon In Canada Is Now Over - Justin Trudeau And The New Liberal Regime Demonstrate Exactly WHO They Answer To!

Well, that did not take long... So many Canadians believed when they voted out that treasonous criminal dictator in Canada in the October Federal Elections, namely Stephen Harper, that they would now have a fresh face in Ottawa that would appeal to the needs and wants of the Canadian people first and foremost...But looks are deceiving and Justin Trudeau has indeed just shown exactly who he really answers to... For according to this new report from the center of evil itself, the psychotic state of Israel, it appears that Justin Trudeau has just voted NO to 16 new UN resolutions that condemn Israel for its continuing crimes against humanity... First, here is the link to that article from the Times Of Israel, at www.timesofisrael.com, for everyone to see for themselves, and I have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:http://blogs.timesofisrael.com/new-canadian-pm-trudeau-votes-no-on-16-anti-israel-u-n-resolutions/ NTS Notes:  Yes, the honeymoon in Canada is now officially over, and Justin Trudeau is showing his true colors..This shows again exactly who controls Canada and exactly who the Liberal Party and the new Prime Minister here answers to... .It does appear that Canada will continue to be a slave nation to both the psychotic state of Israel and of course the criminal Jewish power elite that controls this once free nation...But wait.. For it will only get even better when Justin goes over to Paris this coming week and signs Canada off on those horrific "carbon taxes" that will fleece the Canadian people for the fraud of "Climate Change"...Honestly, Canada.. Were you really expecting things to change?More to comeNTS