Welcome To Black Friday: Mayhem In America And The 2016 Black Friday Video Hall Of Shame!

Yes it is Black Friday in BOTH the United States and even up here in Canada....Due to the incredibly ridiculous rush of Canadians to travel south of the border on this day and in an attempt to keep most of those shoppers from Canada right here at home, 3 years ago major retailers in Canada decided to launch their own retail mayhem here in Canada on this date as well.... The result has been a massive sales rush by consumers for "deals" when stores have opened today, but it is NOTHING compared to the insanity south of the border...For this article, I want to present the link to a most interesting article from "Daisy Luther" at www.daisyluther.com.... The article is entitled: "The 2016 Black Friday Video Hall Of Shame" and it contains some of the most despicable videos taken showing the insanity of many Americans on this day as they go crazy over the perception of "deals" in major retail stores.... I have the link to that article here, and again pay attention to the videos it contains, for to me they are indeed disgusting:http://daisyluther.com/the-2016-black-friday-video-hall-of-shame/NTS Notes: I watched the videos and I was indeed mortified.. Here we have idiots fighting and for what?  I have to ask myself this question: Are many Americans really this stupid?Honestly, this shows how truly brain dead so many Americans are... Most are already suffering from severe economic hardship and yet there they are lined up like cattle being brainwashed into the belief that they MUST have some mostly worthless consumer goods.... Disgusting is indeed putting it mildly...Yes, while America goes to hell and is indeed a failing republic, here we have some of the worse examples of Americans going absolutely nuts just to get the latest and greatest gizmos.....Luckily there have been not many reports of such mayhem here north of the border in Canada on this day... That may be due to several factors including the fact that today is NOT a holiday like it is in the United States and the fact that this Black Friday phenomenon has only been in Canada now for 3 years...But given enough time we may indeed see the same lunacy that we see in these videos occur right here as well....Welcome to Black Friday... Rampant consumerism at its worse!More to comeNTS