Week in review: energy and policy edition

by Judith Curry
A few things that caught my eye this past week.

This is a really good essay:  Global warming and climate change: Separating truth from fiction [link]
Solar power sharing programs may be poised to take off [link]
E&E legal on the capture of the EPA by green advocacy groups [link]
The dubious environmental justice of 100% renewable energy – [link]
Africa has dual problems that just might be the solution for each other [link] …
Fabius Maximus: A new response to climate change that can help the GOP win in 2016: [link] …
9 or 11 billion of us by 2100? Hugely important environmental question depends on industrialization/modernization  [link]
A theoretical basis for energy efficiency measurement [link] …
How inefficient climate policies can build support for efficient ones [link]
@RichardTol: Economic impacts of climate change: New evidence [link]
Australia ousts climate-denying prime minister, gets new one who has argued for climate action | Grist [link]
Obama, White House need to reset thinking on energy issues [link]
Read: Innovative ways for Energy Efficiency Financing [link]
New study to try to find out why solar panels degrade so quickly, increasing costs of green $ energy [link]…
“Paris climate summit: Don’t mention Copenhagen” [link] …
Quite the manifesto by @MLiebreich, who believes clean energy will bring social and political change: [link] …
Naomi Klein: Now is the time for a climate leap [link]  Counterpoint [link]
Obama just announced $120 million in new solar & clean energy funding. Here’s what that means [link]
US & Australian taxpayers pay billions a year in #coal production #subsidies  [link]
China revises its past coal consumption up — 14%. [link]
@GinaEPA seen to be safe from House impeachment tries. [link]
More consumers are saying yes to electric cars—and not because of environmental concerns [link]
‘Predictioneers’ forecast Paris climate talks outcome with game theory: NEWS: What will countries agree to [link]
Bonn co-chairs have been given a mandate to prepare a draft agreement for Paris by the first week of October #Bonn #COP21 | [link]
How Vermont became a clean-power powerhouse and how others can follow:  [link]Filed under: Week in review
